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Encapsulation Dish Test

April 13 2007 at 1:08 PM

Hello Fellow Encaper's

When you perform a dish test, do you pour the solution into the dish at full strength or at dilution?

Thanks, and have a productive day.



Re: Encapsulation Dish Test

April 13 2007, 1:59 PM 



My Thoughts

April 13 2007, 2:14 PM 


To see how the solution would perform would we dilute the product as we would when cleaning the carpet, after all thats how it will dry with in the carpet fiber? This has got me thinking.

Anyone else?





My Thoughts

April 13 2007, 3:22 PM 

I did the test 4 years ago in a bottle cap poured directly from the bottle,,just a drop and it turns white to a crystal. You can save it as a sample and use it for a selling tool if you need to explain the process. I have always vacuumed after an encap job and put the black dirt in a bag and used it for a sales tool. It booked me a job one time.

Save your bottle tops and dirt in a small sandwich bag.

Mark Hart

Re: My Thoughts

April 13 2007, 3:26 PM 

Do the test undiluted.


Why undiluted?

April 13 2007, 3:47 PM 

Why would you do the test undiluted. should the test be real world? Do the test diluted to the ratios you would use to clean carpets. Or do a whole bunch of test of varying ratios. It really isn't an either or proposition -diluted or undiluted--you can do both.


hiyas Mark! :)

April 13 2007, 4:10 PM 

i don't see why to do it undiluted?

but i've honestly never done it. i don't see the need. if something works, that's good enough fer me

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Encapsulation Dish Test

April 13 2007, 4:31 PM 

Ive done it undiluted to compare Relasit and Snap*ncap. The Releasit dried as expected, but the other brand was sticky and I had to peel the whole thing of the maybe I should have tried both diluted and undiluted...


Rick Gelinas

Re: Encapsulation Dish Test

April 13 2007, 5:15 PM 

You can do it diluted or undiluted. Either way, you're dealing with exactly the same raw components. The only difference will be the quantity of water in the dish. In the concentrated form there is obviously more solids, so it will be easier for you to observe the results. In a diluted state there are lower solids in the mix, so the crystallization will appear lighter. However either way you do it you'll find that the dried residue will form a distinct crystal. And that's IMPORTANT since the crystal is the vehicle that holds the soil in suspension so it can be recovered in the post-vacuuming process.

Rick Gelinas


Del Scrivner

Who needs a test...

April 13 2007, 7:07 PM 

Who needs a test when you get an automatic one every time you use your measuring cup to pour Realisit into your Cimex, CRB, sprayer- whatever.

Just wait until the next day and look at the bottom of the measuring cup. I use it as a demo when I go in to clean. I show my client the dried Releasit, give the measuring cup a little "love tap" on the counter and BAM it dislodges easily and I vacuum it up or throw it out.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Current Topic - Encapsulation Dish Test
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS