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Whom on this BB is a Stratogies for Success Allumni??

April 14 2007 at 2:54 PM
John Watson  

OR who would like to be???

I can proudly say Yay to the first question. Fall Class of 1997.

I had heard how about this whole new way to teach us carpet cleaners a new way to run our business instead of our business running us. Getting more work than we could handle.

This Guy named Steve Toburen (Whom I bought his Service on the Homefront and other tape series back in 1991) and Chuck Violand (I called him upchuck, cause I still get sick for not following all his advice when I was his client in 95-96) and it was only going to be taught 2 times a year in the Chicago area.

My best friend, the late Roger James and I went. I was not in the best of shape, the doctor had just removed the cast and rods from my left arm and my chest was still slowly healing. My road rash was starting to clear up. ( 853 LBS landed on me.but no chest bones were broke, Just tore the cartilage , Like open heart surgery. took over a year to heal) because on June 29th of 97 Helen and I had a flat at 70MPH on our Goldwing motorcycle, towing a trailer in the middle of nowhere 168 mi N of Vegas and it was 105 degrees.

Sorry about that I get carried away,, I said then, right after the class and I still say it now. If you want to grow your business without alot of new tricks or same old stuff you hear from all the other to good to be truers go to this class.. If you need to beg barrow or steal do it. It will pay for it's self time and time again.

As you have been reading and hearing, This class is making it's first appearance on the West Coast at their new JonDon facility in Portland.

Her check it out your self,

In my 27 years of being professional student, (Cleaning supports my Habit) This is the Best 5 day class to ever be on the West Coast for business management and growth.

Helen and I are going. (IF you come bring Helen a birthday present it the 14th) This class is worth repeat after repeat. I have heard from a good source that it is way better than the one I attended back in 97 and now they even have this Billy guy with them.(I started talking to Bill in 85-86 when he was with Bane)

I think I just figured out why the first class is in Portland.....
They didn't want to forget about you prune pickers and winos from South of the Oregon Border or us mouldy ones in WA, Oh yeah you guys in Canadia are welcome too..

Can they promise you a Vortex in your driveway??? Sure, If you implement just 1/2 of whats taught at this week long class I would be willing to bet money on it.

One other thing, The little I know of John and Nick and sweet Angela, There is going to be a party and feast that will not be compared to any you have been to before. They know how to do it and do it right.

David Gelinas

Re: Whom on this BB is a Stratogies for Success Allumni??

April 14 2007, 5:12 PM 

Hi John

I went last year to SFS in Atlanta and it was some of the best money that I have ever spent on my business. Along with that in November I also had the privilege to attend The Dreaming Room with Michael Gerber. The things I learned at SFS are being applied in many levels of my company and I still have a long way to go. My plans are by the first of next year there won’t be too much need for me to be in my office on a daily basis.

That’s my goal for this year; my other goal was to be in Orlando by June of this year. That won’t be happening - - - we reached that goal in March.

David Gelinas

Rick Thode

Class of Feb./02

April 14 2007, 7:18 PM 

I have to share the same sentiments as you guys. This is truly an inspiring course for anyone to set up their business in a very systematic way that it can run to a large degree on autopilot. I really am considering going again as I think, for me anyway, that you miss a lot the first time around and I'm hoping the second time a lot more will STICK.

Rick Thode
Releasit / Cimex Canada


Crikey John

April 14 2007, 7:35 PM 

Jeez mate, you blokes and yer funny werds over there sure has me confussed.

I had to get me dikshunerry out and look up ALUMNI.

I thought it was something to so with aluminium, or aluminum as you say.

Then I found out wot it means and I kwalify.

SFs @ Roselle, September 25 - 29 last year.

So I guess that makes me an ALUMNI

Happy Birthday Helen.

I gotta agree with you all on the positives of SFS, the best I have ever attended, Big Bill say's I gotta go back again.

Maybe this year, if not, next year, but I will be back.

PS: Delia and I went out & celebrated all yesterday, 25 years with the ball & chain, also on the 14th.

My birthday is also on the 14th, but not April

I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Apr 14, 2007 7:37 PM

Joe Desmond

Happy An niversary

April 14 2007, 9:05 PM 

Hey Shorty,
Happy Anniversary to you and the wife.


Re: Happy An niversary

April 15 2007, 2:56 AM 

Ta Joe.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Happy An niversary

April 15 2007, 2:14 PM 

That was the moon, Shorty.....go to bed.


You mooning me Harry ???

April 15 2007, 3:37 PM 

yer probably Wright.

Although it's only a very small moon.

It's now 05:33 just got home 10 minutes ago from the airport.

I'm now on ten days

Delia's in Brisbane for the next ten days, all I have to do is keep working and sending down money

Guess I gotta go look for another light.

I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: You mooning me Harry ???

April 15 2007, 5:17 PM 

Time to "take it to the next level" Shorty, have another beer!!

Current Topic - Whom on this BB is a Stratogies for Success Allumni??
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