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Stain and laquer on wool carpet??

April 14 2007 at 7:17 PM


I have a customer who just phoned me with a brand new wool carpet and the guys installing the railing have oversprayed stain and laquer. Apparantly there are very samll little (TINY) spots all over and you can only really see them at night with the lights it sounds like it is not severe, however being a brand new wool carpet she is freaking out.

Any suggestions on an approach to this problem?



Rick Thode

Re: Stain and laquer on wool carpet??

April 14 2007, 9:37 PM 

I hate to say this my friend, but stain especially is designed to penetrate and be permanent on top of the fact that wool is extremely absorbant. Unless somebody else knows of some magic, I'm pretty sure that one is permanent.

The only thing you may try, but beware it may also remove the color of the wool, is try some peroxide on the tip of a q-tip on one spot, apply a small amount of steam heat for a 15 seconds under a cotton towel and see if you see any signs of improvement. That would be my only suggestion.

Rick Thode
Releasit / Cimex Canada


Re: Stain and laquer on wool carpet??

April 14 2007, 10:00 PM 

Good call Rick.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Stain and laquer on wool carpet??

April 14 2007, 10:55 PM 

Snip. Snip. It might just be a good idea to get out the scissors and try to inconspicuously snip off those "tiny" spots. Every "good spot kit" should include a good pair of scissors.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Stain and laquer on wool carpet??

April 14 2007, 11:06 PM 

Don't make there problem YOURS. i would get a signed wavier that you can try and help out. But if it don't work go back to the painter

Carpet Cleaning Wilson North Carolina



Thanks guys

April 15 2007, 1:59 AM 

Thanks for the tips. I'm going to try a couple of spots and see what I can do...if in doubt I'll walk.

Current Topic - Stain and laquer on wool carpet??
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