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steamin demon

April 18 2007 at 3:53 PM

Some of the places I clean don't have very much hot water, can you fill this up with buckets that are heated? Also, is this machine for larger areas only? Thanks


Re: steamin demon

April 18 2007, 6:07 PM 

If your pre-spraying w/Punch you don't need hot water. No you cannot fill up buckets as it has no solution tank. It realy is a different kind of "stractor" w/auto fill and auto dump. They make two sizes, 15" and 20" It does not work well in homes with furniture. Go on SteminDemons web and watch the videos and then order from, I'll bet you can talk Rick into giving a free case of EncapPunch with your order.

This message has been edited by raymoody on Apr 18, 2007 6:11 PM


Re: steamin demon

April 18 2007, 8:09 PM 

I have the XL20 and for smaller areas use a wand attached to the SD now. I bought the hose and wand and the SD comes with a pressure hose and hooked it up. Works great!

Robert Barnes

Re: steamin demon

April 19 2007, 9:28 AM 

I have the original smaller unit. So far my longest reach has been 300 feet 30,000+ sq ft building, just used garden hose to make the haul economical. Not much hot water at the end but with today’s chemical action and the superior flushing by the Demon sure did the trick...Good dry times to.

Didn't have to worry to much about people tripping, structure was un occupied and 400+ feet would have been self defeating for my truck mount. An occupied building I might favor a machine that holds a sacrifice.

I also use the demon in smaller places that need extraction. The accessory hose attachment allows me to use any of my tools (upholstery, wands, rx20) for added flexibility, tight areas or if agitation with rinsing is warranted.

Bob Barnes
Regal Service Company

Current Topic - steamin demon
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