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dyeing a bleach stain

April 21 2007 at 3:19 PM

A customer ask if i could dye a 3x12 inch stain in addition to the cleaning of the heavily soiled carpet.
should that be with the original bid to restore the carpet which didn't include the dye. If theres nothing to dyeing I will add it in. Never did dyeing. i haven't gotten around to adding it to my restoration services yet.

Any input. whats involved? can i get dye from local janitorial supply?

Your Servant Alex

Rick Thode

Re: dyeing a bleach stain

April 21 2007, 3:47 PM 

Howdy Alex:

without training, I personally wouldn't try. (I've seen a lot of messed up dye jobs even by so called trained persons). I don't know your background, but, dyeing is not just adding lets say green to get green, but you need to be able to blend and take whatever color is remaining in the carpet and add the missing color, so you may have to add a little yellow or a little blue to get the resulting green. Ask any hairdresser about hair dying, same principle. It can be a challenge. If you get good at it though, I'm sure it could be very rewarding.

Rick Thode
Cimex / Releasit Canada


Re: dyeing a bleach stain

April 21 2007, 5:24 PM 

As Rick say's, not as easy as it looks.

Do a course first so you don't own a carpet in someone's house.

Wool & Nylon or Wool/Nylon mixes are the only fibres that can be "dyed", to the best of my limited knowledge.

Tony Wheelwright shows a nifty way of using crayons to color poly; carpets.

Do a search on some of the other forum for this.

I find the easiest way to add color, is to look and see which color is missing from the stain ie; blue carpet is yellow, add green.

There is also a color enhancer on the market, for where you have those faded areas, mix up a brew, spray it on & rake.

If it's still not quite the color, repeat this action until it all matches.

This was at last year's Connection's in Vegas.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


Del Scrivner

Take a class and practice, practice, practice first.

April 21 2007, 7:29 PM 


Take a class and practice, practice, practice first. Of all the Carpet Cleaning related skills I have learned so far dyeing is by far the most difficult.

I am IICRC Color Repair Certified, but on almost all of those jobs I pass on to a buddy of mine that specializes daily in color repair. It works wells because he is excellent at it and has no interest in cleaning at all, so I win, he wins, and my client wins all very stress free too.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Current Topic - dyeing a bleach stain
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