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monthly special..

April 23 2007 at 8:35 PM

when we gonna see punch on sale again...
also is there a way to get "cleaning agents" in 5 gal containers instead of the 4 one gal bottles. I would like that and just refill the one gallon as needed..
are the contains more costly than one gals??
have a good one.

ps how tall is cimex with handle in upright postion from the floor. just trying to make sure the thing fits in my linclon towncar..

carl n


Rick Gelinas

Re: monthly special..

April 23 2007, 8:59 PM 

Two reasons why we don't offer a 5 gallon container.

(1) There isn't a big difference in the price.
(2) UPS and the other shippers are not able to ship round things like buckets (they roll off their conveyors). They break enough stuff that gets packed in boxes, we don't need to help them any in the breakage department.

And you're timing is perfect! The Special next month is on Punch.

Thanks for asking.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 23, 2007 9:14 PM


Re: monthly special..

April 23 2007, 11:37 PM 

sign me up for 2 cases of punch.
that should last me till the end of the month.
I will need a case of DS when I get the "new" machine.
in several weeks/

have a good one.

ps: I get "chimney saver" in 5 gal, the "buckets" are squareish and in a box. that just the way they come. but if not a big differnece then no problem.

are you able to reuse empty bottles is they are washed out. I hate throughing them in recycle bin.. they are in prefect conditon.


Rick Gelinas

Environmentally responsible cleaning system

April 24 2007, 6:24 AM 

Hi Carl,

We don't have a provision for reusing/refilling the jugs at this point so I guess you'll need to keep recycling. Plus I think the cost and fuel of shipping them back to us would offset conservation benefits. Nice to see you care about the impact you're making on the environment though. One thing you can feel good about is that you're using a cleaning system that makes a very minimal impact on the environment. Low water consumption and no waste water disposal combined with safe chemistry makes Releasit Encap-Clean one of the most earth friendly ways you can clean a carpet. So from that angle you are doing something good for the environment!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 24, 2007 2:21 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 24, 2007 6:26 AM

Current Topic - monthly special..
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS