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What Would Rambo Do?

April 24 2007 at 8:00 PM

288 banquet chairs, fabric seat and back. Enter the SteaminDemon, a uph. tool and Punch. At @4.95 each, needs to get done in 8 hrs or less. With a helper pre-spraying( w/ electric Multi-sprayer) and lining up chairs ahead of me to allow a 5 min. dwell time, I follow with the "Royal Flush" BTW these chairs were dirty w/ lots of food stains. Finished in 7&1/2 hrs. I am not as fast as I once was, but still a nice payday, helper made $300 and she was very happy. Reason for post is that there was almost no post spotting. I love Punch. P.S. there was No dumping or filling either.

This message has been edited by raymoody on Apr 24, 2007 8:08 PM

mark thomas

Re: What Would Rambo Do?

April 24 2007, 8:52 PM 

the autofill/dump i can see being REAL nice on a job like that... bucket breggading would get old fast

Danny Strickland

Re: What Would Rambo Do?

April 24 2007, 11:44 PM 



Re: What Would Rambo Do?

April 25 2007, 1:34 AM 

What upholstery tool Ray ??

Also, do you prefer the elctric sprayer over the battery operated ones ??



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.



April 25 2007, 7:53 AM 

Shorty, I prefer the electric Multi-Sprayer over the battery anyday, for one it is lighter, they never let me down (have one that is over 5 yrs, old) I started out on this job using the CFR uph. tool but quickly switched to a standard 4" open spray tool, the CFR needs about 400 psi to work properly and all I had was the standard bldg. water pressure of 90 psi. Any standard wand will work fine. Danny, your comment does not require an answer. I owe you one.


Re: Answer

April 25 2007, 11:35 AM 

man again i am slow. i did 10 high-back conference room chairs Saturday and they took me 1.5 hours and there was no spotting. that's not right lol.

maybe your 280 chairs were just flat surfaces? seat and back one side? and of course i didn't have auto-fill / dump either.

i bid 170 chairs earlier this month at $5 cause i don't want them (i'm after the carpet). but if i get them i can't imagine how i'll do it all.

guess i gotta speed things up!

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - What Would Rambo Do?
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