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church Upholstery... how to sell? and how often?

April 25 2007 at 1:30 AM
mark thomas  

I'm in line to be the floor guy at my church when the current contract is up... also plan to target a few small to midsized churches for commercial work... so I have a bit of vested intrest in this.

most all churches have padded pews... as long as I plan to be there to clean flooring why not try to get a bit more for the additional textile cleaning.

how often should these be cleaned? any specific tips on "selling" the cleaning of pews and other upholstery?

what method do you prefer?


Re: church Upholstery... how to sell? and how often?

April 25 2007, 8:02 AM 

Mark, I clean a lot of churches, carpet mostly, as pews only get cleaned every 5 yrs., if that. I prefer EnCap when I do them. I use a Makita 9227-C with 7" 100% cotton bonnets from Plus Mfg. It is fast. I charge $1.50 a foot, not square foot, but running foot. How to sell it? Ask. Have your price figured out ahead of time. say, While we are here , we could clean the pews for $ XXX.00. Bill them over a 12 month period. A $2980.00 job will be billed at $249.00 per month over the next 12 months. Churches do not have a reserve of money in the till, but depend on donations. A budgeted monthly amount is much easier to get approved, It provides us with a nice monthly income, I do all the churches this way and they love it.

This message has been edited by raymoody on Apr 25, 2007 8:13 AM

mark thomas

Re: church Upholstery... how to sell? and how often?

April 25 2007, 2:51 PM 

thanks rambo...

what size churches do you typicaly shoot for?... how do you usualy go about contacting them to get work?...


Re: church Upholstery... how to sell? and how often?

April 25 2007, 8:56 PM 

Vist them in person, Find out what their needs are, offer a solution. Churches with 500 members and up. Most of the ones we do have 1000 members or more.

Current Topic - church Upholstery... how to sell? and how often?
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