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Water Claw and Steamin Demon...

April 26 2007 at 8:58 AM

Had a WD resoration yesterday, residential, 624 sq. ft. Decided to use the SD to extract the excess water (broken cold water pipe) that went fast. hooked up the Water Claw to the SD and continued to extract, that went slow, followed up by going over the area again with the SD. Carpet was almost dry to the touch, Set 3 airmovers and 1 Dehumidifier. Will check today. This combo was easy to use and worked well, lightweight, no waste tanks to dump. Hardest part of the job was carrying in the 3 airmovers and dehidifier.

Danny Strickland

Re: Water Claw and Steamin Demon...

April 26 2007, 9:46 AM 

Ray, does your SD ever NOT pump out??? when i had mine it seemed that a little foam would mess up the APO. and when i used HOT water the rubber impeller would soften up and not pump out!


Re: Water Claw and Steamin Demon...

April 26 2007, 10:14 AM 

Danny, I have the New XL20 and have not had any trouble, I did notice that there was an extra impeller in little tool kit. I have run some really hot water in it w/o a problem.


Re: Water Claw and Steamin Demon...

April 26 2007, 6:08 PM 

Defoamer cures the pump out problem. You can also loosen the float nut and it works better. for what ever reason the only unit i have had problem with the impellers with was the old silver model.

If I recall correctly there are impellers you can get now that REALLY hot water will not affect. Since the high pressure units also are geared for higher heat.



Re: Water Claw and Steamin Demon...

April 28 2007, 11:17 AM 

my trick for this is to use a sump pump with a float valve in a 5 gallon bucket so when i dump my portable in the bucket the pump takes it away lol but you must use a pre filter at the hose before it pumps into your portable like the clear view filter because when you dump the portable all the sand and rit will clog the sump pump and drive you crazy lol give it a try it works real well

Current Topic - Water Claw and Steamin Demon...
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