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swirl marks on commercial

May 2 2007 at 3:02 PM

Do any of you vac after encapping with the cimex?
are you worried about getting moisture in your vac?
would it be better to groom with a carpet rake?



May 2 2007, 4:15 PM 

I'm lucky in that most of my commercial accounts vacuum alot so I don't have to past vacuum. I groom with a grandi groomer brush and make sure you do it quick or they'll be hard ot groom out. I will clean somne stop and groom or have helper groom quickly. Also it helps to go across the swirls to remove them


Re: Groom

May 2 2007, 4:58 PM 

i wouldn't post-vac after Cimex'ing. if you are concerned with "swirl" marks, rake or broom it with a medium bristle broom.

i am guessing you haven't been Cimex'ing long?? the more you do it the more you will hear your clients "oooh" and "ahhh" about the "finish" the Cimex leaves. it worried me at 1st to, for no reason.

thanx --- Derek.


The Only Swirls I have are in my Smoothies....

May 2 2007, 9:38 PM 

I Never post vac or rake commercial carpet. 99% of what we do is level loop, but we do pre-vac all jobs.


Re: Groom

May 2 2007, 10:02 PM 

Actually the PM already complained about the marks left.

Bob Ledlow

swirl marks

May 2 2007, 6:15 PM 

I'm not sure if this is going to post where it is supposed to but:
I have found that i am more concerned about the swirlies than the customer. I asked Rick the same question after my first mex job and he said "No big deal- it will just vacuum away- explain that to your customer and everything will be fine" When I went back to explain it to my customer they had almost disapeared and my cutomer was extatic. I have found after a couple of years using the mex that most costomers like the swirls. Hope that helps.

Bob Ledlow



May 2 2007, 8:48 PM 

When the customer does their post inspection to see if you missed anything, the swirl marks will identify that you cleaned the areas they thought you may have missed.(smile)

Your Servant Alex


Re: I.D.

May 2 2007, 11:17 PM 

if the contact has already complained, then you might find that grooming now that it is dry will be tough. once dry, the "finish" i find to take several vacuumings until it disappears. foot traffic is the best thing to "remove" it.

so if they really want it gone ASAP, then you might have to hit it again with the Cimex and LIGHTLY apply your RTU encap and then groom...the fibers need to be re-wetted.

but it aint permanent by ANY means.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: I.D.

May 2 2007, 11:21 PM 

i will also add:

back in February i had one prospect that, after my demo, was concerned with the swirls. the reason?? after the demo, I BROUGHT IT UP.

i mentioned that the "marks" would eventually disappear. he would'a never said a peep but i had to open my big mouth. anyways, i ignored it and left the swirls. i have since cleaned his country club, left the swirls and he has called me back 4 times.

thanx --- Derek.



May 3 2007, 12:51 AM 

...mmmm. Those must have been some clean swirls huh!
Try leaving your company logo spelled out in swirls and see if he don't give you a few references Derek. Glad to here you still taking care of business, swirly-business. (smile)

Your Servant Alex


Re: Hmmm..........

May 3 2007, 8:26 AM 

99.5% of the customers LOVE the swirls! When others walk into the business, they'll say, "Wow, you just had your carpets cleaned!"

Maybe manufacturers should make carpeting 'pre-swirled.' Of course, if they do, they'll have to pay me a licensing fee...

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning


Re: Hmmm..........

May 3 2007, 12:12 PM 

I like the swirls myself. When i have to walk back over the cleaned portion of carpet and mess up the pattern, i will get my Cimex out and go back over it make it back uniform. I haven't had a complaint yet.

Ive been enjoying the time of my life. I flushed out the plumbing the other day and for got to put the little plug back on. Went to clean a carpet and juice was running out the top side of the head, thats when i learned that there was no plug. RATS!!

Your Servant Alex


Re: Hmmm..........

May 3 2007, 2:28 PM 

LOL Alex. hadn't done that one yet. i keep spare plugs in the van tho if'n i do forget them

gotta clean my plumbing out tomorrow...first time in a year.

take care Bro --- Derek.


Clean the Plumbing????

May 3 2007, 4:54 PM 

We use our 19" Cimex almost daily and our 15" almost weekly, both are over 5 yrs old and have never had "the plumbing" cleaned out, what's with that anyhow? Just cleaned 3018 sq. ft. level loop olefin CGD this morning and I have yet to see a "swirl" mark, what's with that anyhow? I am using fiber max pads and Releasit DS


Re: Clean the Plumbing????

May 3 2007, 6:34 PM 


Thanks for your response; I now feel emboldened to say that I, too, have never cleaned out the plumbing in my Cimex. Except for the time when a hornet had lodged his corpse in it.

There, I feel better now...maybe someday I'll admit that I don't always prevac every job.

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning


Ahhh, the Truth......

May 3 2007, 8:40 PM 

Kevin, it is so refreshing to hear the truth. I will admit that I don't always pre-vac. There I said it. Confession is so good for the soul.


Re: Ahhh, the Truth......

May 3 2007, 9:04 PM 

I do not prevac most jobs, and it is no confession just a fact
I have my clients prevac for me. Since we are either in the places before they open just after opening or just after closing, and we do retail We make sure the clients know we are comming in and they need to vac.

Ray do you run hot water through your pluming once in a while? I do this with my machines


Re: Ahhh, the Truth......

May 3 2007, 11:45 PM 

well poo that's why everyone's faster than me!

anyone looking to buy 4 uprights, 2 canisters and 2 backpack vacs?

--- Derek.


Re: Ahhh, the Truth......

May 4 2007, 8:33 AM 

David, I run the solution as hot as possible, almost at boiling temps. Cleans better too. Never run just hot water thru the Cimex.

Current Topic - swirl marks on commercial
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS