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What size walk-off mats and how many?

May 4 2007 at 7:09 PM

i recall reading some of you fellas explaining how to figure what size walk-off mats any given facility might need.

is there a link or does anyone know how to figure this out?

thanx --- Derek.


Re: What size walk-off mats and how many?

May 4 2007, 10:28 PM 


The number of walk off mats needed is determined by the the outside conditions (parking lot oil, dirt, gravel....). My general rule is enough mat outside the door for two good steps on mat before entering the building and six steps of walk off mat inside the building.
Another thing to keep in mind is the mats need to be cleaned regularly or they will be of little help. The type of mat makes a differance too. Make sure it is designed to scrape soil & moisture and retain it.
A good 4'x6 mat will cost $30 to $75 and a 4'x20'walk off mat will run between $200 & 300.
That being said, I find most customers are not willing to buy enough mats to properly protect their floors & carpet.



Re: What size walk-off mats and how many?

May 5 2007, 2:02 PM 

I agree that most places won't spend the money on the proper mats or the proper length of mats. I wonder if there is a report or analysis the shows the cost benefits of mats. Of course its only a benefit if the property/facility managers care about appearance and maintenance

Also I would add that there is a place for walk-off mats indoors such as from break rooms and cafeterias where food gets track from, in front of vending machines where people spill their shaken sodas, and hard surface to carpet transitions.


A Good Rule for Mats is......

May 5 2007, 4:51 PM 

5 steps on it before getting to the carpet, or 15'


Re: A Good Rule for Mats is......

May 5 2007, 5:53 PM 

thanx for the replies fellas. have a demo and the contact informed me she wants my pro opinion on their need for mats. 15'-18' it is.

have a great weekend --- Derek.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: A Good Rule for Mats is......

May 5 2007, 5:57 PM 

Since Ray just set me straight, it is with immense pleasure that I can report the results of a study on this subject done by 3M. They checked to see how much soil was picked up by mats of various lengths. Their conclusion was that after 25 feet in length that there was no further appreciable benefit. You can easily demonstrate how useless a four foot mat is by walking accross it and noting how many times each foot actually touches the mat - usually only one foot, once.

Current Topic - What size walk-off mats and how many?
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