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Sprint vs. iCapsol

May 7 2007 at 9:28 AM
Bob Huddleston  

Okay...I like the recovery bin on the iCapsol, and because of that and the price, I'm inclined to choose the iCapsol over the Sprint scrubber.

What are the differences in the 2 machines, and why would I want one over the other.



Rick Thode

Re: Sprint vs. iCapsol

May 7 2007, 11:00 AM 

This weekend has been the first time I've had a chance to play with the ICapsol first hand. I've worked quite a bit with the Sprint. I like the tank on the sprint and ease of use. What I was really impressed about with the ICapsol is the offset brushes so that it gets closer to the wall. I LOVED the torque of the motor. When you start this machine, it has all the power you need to spin the brushes. The other thing was the texture of the brushes seemed to be just right for carpets. The machine is also a little lower profile so if your doing around beds or cabinets, you can get under the edge a bit better.

Keep Smiling
Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada

Joe Desmond

Re: Sprint vs. iCapsol

May 7 2007, 2:05 PM 

I tried both at encapfest and yes the icapsol had better torque. Started up right away. The sprint you had to nudge it to get it going. The icapsol cleans to about a half inch of the edge of the machine which is great. Also I have used Windsor vacuums in my janitorial business for the past seven years I know they make good equipment.
I'll be getting one hopefully by next week!


just buy both

May 7 2007, 4:25 PM 

Just buy both,just kidding. I have both and they are very important to my overall cleaning program. If I am just encapping as usuall i find the icapsol very sturdy and diggs deep into carpet. Works fine on berber but if the traffic patterns have dips you have to wet it more and work a little more.Usually i use cimex on res. berber when posible. When I do condo's for new customers they like the encap but they still want to hear about extraction so the sprint is the answer. I just spray a little more solution than normal and i tell them it't being extracted into tank and they love it. Both are impressive and really no down side. I wouldn't use the sprint for a coarse berber.Obviously a lot more benefits for both.


Danny Strickland

Re: just buy both

May 7 2007, 9:44 PM 

i didn't get to try it without the sprayer strapped on, but the Icapsol with a sprayer was strangly bulky???

I've used a GLS with a spray tank and it was much better balanced, but still some what heavy!!!


Re: just buy both

May 8 2007, 10:10 AM 

Yep. With 2 gallons of detergent in a sprayer on the handle it is a little heavier. That's why I like to rest the handle against my stomache and push the iCapsol forward effortlessly. It takes ALL the weight off the handle that way. The iCapsol is super easy to run in "fat belly" mode


Re: just buy both

May 8 2007, 10:12 AM 

P.S. I like Wayne's suggestion to "just buy both". LOL

This message has been edited by cimex on May 8, 2007 10:20 AM

Current Topic - Sprint vs. iCapsol
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