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office cleaning?

May 7 2007 at 5:35 PM

I just got a call today. The guy wants a couple of offices cleaned. I normally charge .25 per square ft. for resi. Never done offices don't know the national standard charge. What is it anyway?
Is it appropriate to charge same as resi. or is that a total different ball game from commercial offices?

Please don't tell me to get the CMS to find the answers, i can't get it today. I meet with the guy tommorow.

Your Servant Alex


Rick Gelinas

Re: office cleaning?

May 7 2007, 5:47 PM 

Office cleaning?
Or office carpet cleaning?

Office carpet cleaning should be the same rate as other commercial carpet cleaning.

Rick Gelinas


Re: office cleaning?

May 7 2007, 6:33 PM 

Its carpet cleaning. This guy is the same account that i began cleaning his commercial hallways quarterly as a trial run for the remainder of this year to see if he wants to go on a contractual basis. So your quick response Rick, is appreciated cause its possible i could have torn down what i'm trying to build up,simply by giving conflicting rates.

He's always crying the the budget-limit blues too. So thanks again Rick!

Your Servant Alex


This message has been edited by theservant on May 7, 2007 6:56 PM


Del Scrivner

Dunno if this helps...

May 7 2007, 7:38 PM 

If the areas are occupied and with desks and chairs and stuff that you have to go around I add .02 per Sq Ft- (See below).

If I have to move furniture and other stuff, I add .04 per Sq Ft.

Play with this and see what it does for you. Some guys like it some don't. Some think it's too complicated. Some charge the same for Encap as they do HWE and make more per hour- they sell clean carpet, not carpet cleaning.

Anyway hope it helps.

Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning Rates

• Under 500 square feet- .20 per square foot
• to 1000 square feet- .19 per square foot
• to 2000 square feet- .18 per square foot
• to 3000 square feet- .17 per square foot
• to 4000 square feet- .16 per square foot
• to 5000 square feet- .15 per square foot
• to 6000 square feet- .14 per square foot
• to 7000 square feet- .13 per square foot
• 7500+ square feet- .12 per square foot
• Stairs
o .40 per square foot- open front
o .65 per square foot- closed front
• $65.00 Minimum fee applies for Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning

• Add .02 per square foot

• Add .04 per square foot

• Add .02 per square foot

Good luck Alex,

Oh yeah- One last thing Alex- they will ALWAYS cry "Budget Blues", set your price that you can make a profit at and stick to it. He obviously likes your work otherwise he would not have called you again.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

This message has been edited by CowboysCarpetCare on May 7, 2007 7:40 PM


Re: Dunno if this helps...

May 7 2007, 8:44 PM 

hiyas Alex, hope biz is picking up for you Bro. glad to hear your bidding more work.

call anytime --- Derek.


It Helps!!

May 7 2007, 9:11 PM 

Thanks Del I certainly can come up with something fair but competitive using that scale to go on. Thats all i needed, to feel confident that i'm not cutting myself short and to explain what the charges are for. GREAT!

I'll let you know the result.

Your Servant Alex

Jerzy Krol

Re: Dunno if this helps...

May 8 2007, 6:13 PM 

This is a gerat price list. Thanks for sharing.

Rick Thode

Re: office cleaning?

May 7 2007, 9:05 PM 

For what its worth Alex, here it goes. Commercial carpet cleaning in my area goes anywhere from $0.15 to $0.30 per sq. ft. based upon wall to wall square footage. One rule I never break when I'm quoting is giving a square footage price. The bottom line is I want to make at least $150 per hour using encapsulation. Being new to commercial, you won't go wrong by using $0.15 per sq. ft. to get your price and quote accordingly. It's always nice to get more, but you got to start somewhere and if you find you didn't make what you wanted per hour, then you know for next time.

I'm personally going to try the program that we learned about at EncapFest using the EverClean program. The basic idea is that you take the entire square footage of the building (including tiled areas and everything else) and multiply that by $0.34 per sq. ft. and divide by 12. That will be the companies monthly charge. You guarantee that you will do whatever it takes so that there carpets never get dirty. They can call up for emergencies spill and you'll be there. If an entrance gets soiled, you'll be there. The benefit for you is that the charge is based upon the entire measurement of the building and you don't have to worry about somebody else getting the job next time. Most areas will only need occasional service, while others will need more frequent service.

This way you can give them 2 options for your service. A one time cleaning charge or EverClean program for not a lot more.

Hope this helps Bro.

Keep Smiling
Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada

Danny Strickland

Re: office cleaning?

May 7 2007, 9:41 PM 

do you know your cost of doing biz, your numbers???

asking a bunch of cleaners who don't see you P&L every month is like asking us if your wife is hot and us never seeing her!!!



May 8 2007, 12:56 AM 

Hi Danny,
Yea i guess i can see how i can began to be a bug.
But to answer your question, i know some basics i know how to count cost. In other words I'm not totally ignorant. Just a little unconfident right now. But if you look back two months at my posts, i have to proudly say that i've progressed, and still moving forward. I'm inching along but an inch is a cinch but a yard is hard. So for now i'll keep inching along.

Danny theres gonna be someone else who comes along that needs the kind of attention that I'm crying out for right now. And I'll be able to patiently provide him with the knowledge he needs to get him going, remembering how you patiently worked with me. And guess what I'll feel better giving to him what i've learned from you.

Danny i would ask if you want me to stop asking cleaners questions every month but i'm sorry you're too valueable to me right now. Haven't you heard of the GOLDEN RULE?.....The one with the GOLD RULES. You got the GOLD(knowledge) Danny. I'm trying to get you to share it with me so we can rule together.
Everything we have was given to each one of us, so why not share?
You be kickin' some deep knowledge Danny, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

p.s. BTW I don't have a wife. I have no GOLD to afford one.

Your Servant Alex


Re: office cleaning?

May 8 2007, 1:24 AM 

thanks Rick I appreciate the input.I'll take that and put it in my brief case.
You know something I like the way that evergreen sound also. And based on the concept i'm gonna put that one to use cause thats all i need is one of those at sufficient enought sq.footage and that'll hold me. It really sounds inviting to the prospect. Thanks Rick

Your Servant Alex

Danny Strickland

Re: office cleaning?

May 8 2007, 6:14 PM 

Alex i never want to discourage you from asking questions for any reason. i didn't know where you were in biz.

give ame a fax # and i'll send you some help that will blow you away!

your servent,


Current Topic - office cleaning?
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