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CMS Program Update

May 13 2007 at 12:17 AM

Rick Gelinas  

So far we've sold about 75 of the CMS programs in the first couple of weeks. And the response we've received has been very good. Folks seem to really like the material. However we are going to be releasing version 2.0 in the next few days. Here is the reason why...

The images in the files are fairly large. We've received calls from a couple of cleaners who have had trouble opening and printing the files because they don't have enough system resources to work with the files. We tested the files on a few different computers and printers before we released the package and everything worked fine, but I guess some folks are using computers that are a little short on horsepower.

So we went back to the drawing board. We have now compressed the size of all of the image files. We have also added 2 more instruction files. One of the new files explains the details of the carpet inspection. The other new file provides an overview of the sales process. This file provides a summary of how to go from the initial call to closing the sale. We also added a description of the many marketing logos that are included in the package. And lastly we went over every file with a fine tooth comb proofreading everything again several times so that everything would be as precise as possible. What we now have is a very tight group of MS Office files that are customized for the commercial carpet cleaning industry. The new files are quite a bit smaller and they should be easier for everyone to work with.

After making the refinements listed above, we sent it back to our disk manufacturer on Friday. The new disks will be manufactured this coming week. We will then send a new disk to everyone who purchased the program from us already. And new CMS customers will receive the revised program with all the added features.

Countless hours of thought and development, along with 25 years of field experience have gone into producing this material. The CMS program includes concepts that have been gathered from many marketing experts. It is my sincere desire that these business building tools will help many cleaners to develop a more prosperous commercial enterprise.

I think you are really gonna like it!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on May 13, 2007 12:48 AM
This message has been edited by cimex on May 13, 2007 12:45 AM
This message has been edited by cimex on May 13, 2007 12:19 AM


CMS Update

May 13 2007, 7:22 AM 

Thanks Rick,

We appreciate it

Danny Strickland

Re: CMS Update

May 13 2007, 9:50 AM 

did you fix all those Joe Polish like mis spellings!!! LOL


Re: CMS Update

May 13 2007, 11:57 AM 

hey there Danny,
glad to hear from you.
Here's that info you requested. Thhanks Dan the Man! I look forward to your reponse.

p.s. 3237552082

Your Servant Alex


My problem is

May 13 2007, 3:33 PM 

When I start the program it tells me to hit any key to begin.

I dont have an any key on my keyboard. Is anyone else having this problem.


Any key

May 13 2007, 5:01 PM 

Just look for any anonymous key.

It's usually located between the backspace and delete;-)

Enter also works well.



joe m

it was a joke.

May 13 2007, 5:13 PM 

I was trying to be funny.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Any key

May 13 2007, 5:13 PM 

Rick, would you please send a free disk to Marty and if he likes it I will definitely buy one because anything that can help him, must be outstanding.


Re: Any key

May 13 2007, 8:52 PM 

Well? Rick ....?

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Any key

May 13 2007, 9:58 PM 

Rick, Imagine the incredible power of a testimonial from Mr Subtley talking about how he actually obtained a single commercial contract in Prattville !!

Do they even have any commercial accounts in Prattville ?


Re: Any key

May 13 2007, 10:27 PM 

Your smart alleck remarks show your real bias and stoopiditty about us Alabameans, Harold. While Porksville ain't real big, the state capitol is only 12 miles away and it's even got a Walmart!

This message has been edited by admiralclean on May 13, 2007 10:51 PM

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Any key

May 13 2007, 10:55 PM 

Now you just removed the main reason for Rick to give you the freeby.
Good grief.

Actually Alabama's first major industry - making cotton gins - was in Prattville.

Oh and Wilson Picket was from that little backwater.


Re: Any key

May 14 2007, 1:25 AM 

So, you're now doing internet research about where I live? What's next? Calling people around my town asking about me?

Jimmy's already done that. He actually managed to find one of my customers.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Any key

May 14 2007, 7:55 AM 

Jimmy must have really worked his noggin on that one.

You have a customer? You realize, your mother in law doesn't count!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on May 14, 2007 8:04 AM

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Any key

May 14 2007, 10:10 AM 

Mr Pratt was kicked out of Exeter, New Hampshire by the towns founder, the Rev John Wheelwright for being a nuisance. You can read all about it in our family history or the book - Winthrop's Journal, History of New England, 1630-1649.

I admit that I did look up about Wilson Pickett in order to find something positive about Prattsville.
You'd be surprised how well I know Bama having driven (fast) through the state on numerous occasions en route to Florida - forgettable food, gnarly trees, bent over natives shufffling down dusty roads, pissy water and interminably muggy weather - LOL.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Any key

May 14 2007, 11:11 AM 

I found what I'm gonna send to Marty...

Rick Gelinas


Re: Any key

May 14 2007, 2:12 PM 

If it ain't got pictures, then don't send it.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Any key

May 14 2007, 2:58 PM 

Marty, you should be honored to add this to your Lieberry - it was written by Dr Liz Goldsmith of the U of Talahassie who drew on the vast experience of a local nitwit ( hence the title) with a whole tribe of kids in his house.

Current Topic - CMS Program Update
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