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PR bound

May 18 2007 at 12:00 PM
David Gelinas  

Just wanted to let everyone know that there is a good chance I won’t be on the board a great deal this next week. I’ve been invited down to Puerto Rico to consult on a large printing and educational facility. This property has approximately 181,000 sq ft of hard surface flooring. It encompasses everything from T&G to natural stone to polished concrete. My wife will be going with me and we are really looking forward to it; it’s a great privilege & opportunity.

See you all in a week.

David Gelinas



May 18 2007, 12:54 PM 

I get to stand in knee deep water with you for a week in tennis shoes and work my fingers to the bone and don't even get a soda and when the big trip comes you take the wife!!!!
BTW I worked a marble job with Bruce Zelt this week and he brought soda and told me to help myself whenever.

Have Fun you deserve it:)


PR Rocks!

May 18 2007, 1:19 PM 

Hey Dave-
It's Karina. (don't tell Rick I signed in w/his account! hehehe) I saw those beautiful letters- PR - and well, all I can say is - you lucky dog! You guys will have a great time. It's such a beautiful place. You won't wanna come home! (Catch some waves for me while you're there too!)

Kevin Jones

Re: PR Rocks!

May 18 2007, 3:45 PM 

Congrats, David. That is indeed an honor. I can't think of a better man for the job. Go get 'em. BTW, thanks for the help last week. I backed off and am going back in on Monday to try again with a stronger stripping solution.

Have a ball while you're consulting!!


Re: PR Rocks!

May 19 2007, 6:15 PM 

have a safe trip Bro!

--- Derek.

Current Topic - PR bound
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