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A Question for Tony

May 20 2007 at 9:44 PM

I am trying to color a bleach spot on nylon carpet with a crayon. I have got the color matched but it don't want to stay put even after using the heat gun on it. Is there a step before I put the crayon to it that I am missing?

Danny Strickland

Re: A Question for Tony

May 20 2007, 11:23 PM 

are you coloring inside the lines??? LOL


Re: A Question for Tony

May 21 2007, 7:16 PM 

I didn't know you were supposed to, thanks for the tip Coach.


Re: A Question for Tony

May 21 2007, 8:10 PM 

What did you do to Tony, Ray?

He's ignoring you.


HarryHides is hiding from me...

May 21 2007, 9:34 PM 

Embarassing, to say the least.


Re: HarryHides is hiding from me...

May 21 2007, 11:34 PM 

Don't take it personally, Ray. From what I understand, Tony is still smarting for allowing Lonnie to become the leather guru of the IICRC, so he's not gonna make the same mistake with carpet coloring.

I understand tht he's working on his two day course at the moment, and can't afford to give any information away.

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Harry will never hide..

May 22 2007, 12:20 AM 

I'm sorry, Rambo it was a holiday up here in honor of Queen Victoria's birthday. Try setting the color with a steam iron set for wool just set a cotton towel over the re-colored area and run the iron over it a few times.

I have found that some fibers are more difficult to make the color stay on like some Polyesters. You will also find that the more time that passes after re-coloring before you try to remove it the better.

Marty, I've no interest in being anyone's "guru" and will continue to teach/share/learn from whomever & whenever I choose to. I did a FREE crayon class at MikeyFest knowing that you were not be there

This message has been edited by HarryHides on May 22, 2007 12:22 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Harry will never hide..

May 22 2007, 6:32 AM 

Watching Tony play with his Crayolas at Mikefest was pretty darn cool.

It was possible to reach almost perfect color match conditions on nearly all of the samples.

I was impressed.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Harry will never hide..

May 22 2007, 7:49 AM 

You're welcome, Ray.

And you owe me.

David morris


May 24 2007, 9:16 PM 

Hi ! Guys, new to this Forum, I've been a Carpet Cleaner inc Upholstery / Grout & tile cleaner for some years & I take my work serioursley. I'm from Western Australia, Australia (way way way down south)
I found your responce from Rambo's question very interesting regarding using Crayons to cover the colour loss on carpets.
Would you mind to expand on it a bite more EG: What type of Crayons you use ????? plus any other tips on the said subject.

David morris


May 24 2007, 9:17 PM 

Hi ! Guys, new to this Forum, I've been a Carpet Cleaner inc Upholstery / Grout & tile cleaner for some years & I take my work serioursley. I'm from Western Australia, Australia (way way way down south)
I found your responce from Rambo's question very interesting regarding using Crayons to cover the colour loss on carpets.
Would you mind to expand on it a bite more EG: What type of Crayons you use ????? plus any other tips on the said subject.


Del Scrivner


May 25 2007, 5:47 PM 

Seek out Tony Wheelwright.  You can also find him on the ICS BB.  He is the "Crayon" guru.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

David Morris


May 26 2007, 1:27 AM 

Thanks Del !
Help me with ICSBB = meaning.
While you are there I have e-mailed regarding "CMS package" a few days ago mabe lost in space or too busy, gone on Holidays is there another way to make contact them regarding some questions I have ???????


Current Topic - A Question for Tony
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