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Rick's Specials and Your Service....

May 22 2007 at 4:45 PM

Please remember that Rick can buy what he puts on special at large discounts and store it on the shelf until he sells it. You and I are offering a service of our time and we cannot store it up or put it on the shelf. I am not in favor of discounting my time and you shouldn't either. You can buy spotters in large volume and get a good price on them and sell them at a discount to your customers, but not your time, use it wisely.


? for Rick G

May 22 2007, 8:34 PM 

Do you have any plans for enabling cc's to resell your spotting with our own label?


Rick Gelinas

Re: ? for Rick G

May 22 2007, 10:26 PM 

We were working on a private label spotter program but we haven't been able to come up with the right elements as of yet. But we are still working on some alternatives and we are planning to roll out something soon.

Rick Gelinas


Re: ? for Rick G

May 22 2007, 11:04 PM 

Just an idea- I use encap-spot on all my jobs. It would be perfect if I could get it in 8 or 10 oz. bottles & have my company name & phone number on it.
Free labeling with orders of 4 cases or more?

I have done this with Interlink but I like Encap-Spot much better.



Rick Gelinas

Re: ? for Rick G

May 22 2007, 11:22 PM 


We don't have a way of offering a spotter product as cheap as Interlink does. I think Encap-Spot works well and stands on its own as far as performance goes. However we simply can't produce it as cheaply as Interlink produces their give away spotter. Encap-Spot is not in that league. Sorry.

Rick Gelinas


Re: ? for Rick G

May 23 2007, 12:36 AM 

Interlink's Home Pro Spotter is almost useless! It is a watered down verion of Avenge Neutral Spotter.
You SHOULD charge more for the Encap-Spot in the same promotional type packaging! it's a better product!


Current Topic - Rick's Specials and Your Service....
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