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Home test run

May 23 2007 at 7:39 PM

Greetings Everyone

Well i got my cimex up and running today, this is my carpet at home. This carpet is 18yrs old,carpets are down due to my 2 dogs both pushing 200#.

I prevac then punch prespray 200 sqft. Off i went, I got the punch down with hot tap water, dwell time was 5 mins. My water was heated to 150 degrees with a bucket heater add the DS to the water,
poured into my cimex. I had a hard time telling if solution was exiting as having no exp on this unit. after a bit i noticed the agitation sound changed so i asumed all was ok. Meaning there was not alot of foam. So on i went.I do need a edge cleaner for sure when doing a cleints home, to many corners and door area's.
So 200 sqft was about 2.6 gals of agent/water. When i stopped and looked at the pads i was shocked. Dog hair every where. The pads caked in dirt.
Here are the pictures of the carpet and pads. I can't bring them to a clients in this condion I'm sure my client would wonder, what the sam hell are you planing to do with them.
Can they be cleaned?

Your Friend


This message has been edited by steveroscoe on May 23, 2007 7:55 PM
This message has been edited by steveroscoe on May 23, 2007 7:51 PM
This message has been edited by steveroscoe on May 23, 2007 7:49 PM


Del Scrivner

Re: Home test run

May 23 2007, 8:36 PM 

1. Take them off your Mex.
2. Allow them to dry out.
3. Shake them out after they dry.
4. Save them for your house/trashed jobs.
5. Use the other side next time.

You are correct- I'd never ever use those where a customer can see them. Unless of course you got that up in their house- then I'd ENSURE they saw them.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Rick Thode

Re: Home test run

May 23 2007, 8:43 PM 

good one Steve. Sure you can rinse them out. Isn't that cool how it collects the hair? So how did it all turn out?

A few suggestions. First you won't need to prespray 95% of carpets except for the extremely soiled ones. Normally you should be able to clean 3 - 400 sq. ft. per gallon of water/solution. just a light coating of solution and then stop the solution and just agitate. You'll probably feel the urge to add more solution, but don't. You'll just over wet and waste product. Good for me, not good for you.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada


Del Scrivner


May 23 2007, 8:50 PM 

1.5 Hose the pads off.

Thanks- Rick Thode for catching my blonde moment.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: ummmmm....yeah

May 23 2007, 11:01 PM 

Perhaps rinse and suck/pick away as needed.



May 23 2007, 11:24 PM 


The carpet is still wet after 4hrs, so hey yeah there is a learning curve.

I did a good vac to, perhaps i should have used my crb tool. i cant belive the hair that hides, the carpets diddnt look dirty eather. The carpets are in good shape, i HWE every few months. I did my spare br that was green low pile it looked great as well.

So i might use more pads then i originaly thought.
Perhaps i'll try to adjust the flow valve

Here is the carpet.


Del Scrivner

Dog and cat hair

May 23 2007, 11:51 PM 

Don't care what vacuum you use, don't care what HWE you use, yes even the "Mighty V" or AT. A CRB will pull up more pet hair then anything else.

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care



May 24 2007, 1:27 AM 


And gals....

One thing i'll have to make sure i do is a good inspection on the carpet installation.
I know for my house it's 75 years old and the floors are first generation fur and oiled. I remembered that I lifted the br carpet a few month back to see the condition of them. To my surprise there stunning!!!

I forget to tact it down, so when I used my heavy cimex it had shifted the carpet. I have seen this before when I moved a heavy sofa and the carpet was loose and it shifted. So it appeared the carpet was poorly installed or the home owner did allot of furniture moving. So a another lessoned learn. I would hate to have to pay for a carpet man to fix the carpet due to my lack of attention.

I tossed a fan on the carpet and it dried up swell.
The time it toke to clean this amount of area was better then i expected.
I was surprised that the wheels diddn't retract above the head, I guess i was thinking of a buffer. i also was able to move side to side(easy).

I read a post regarding a crb/gls to pre vac, what about the grit left Without the vacumm, how would that be achieved. I know i use the crb to scrub the prespray when i hwe or dry extract for that matter.

I also will be attemping to use releaseit/punch with my crb machine without the compound and with. I would like to have one agent over many.
I sure i'll have few hundred more questions rolling around this head of mine.

your friend


converting millions to the blue and white side


One agent over many

May 24 2007, 2:28 AM 

Steve you mentioned one agent. I'm with you on that. I don't need to be worrying if i missed a step or two.
Thats what i like about Releasit. Its a powerful agent that does everything you need it to do, with Top- Qality results. SIMPLIFIED! All its agents work in harmony with each other. Simply beautiful.

Your Servant Alex


Head to home depot

May 24 2007, 1:27 PM 

Time for new carpet there Steve



May 25 2007, 1:34 AM 

Yes i to, as i said i have'two large dogs that are at the end of their happy lifes. I will be doing the hardwood thing with some nice area rugs, it also a good selling point. Here in BC the housing market is crazy, our home has double in valve in the last 5 years. But as we all know sell high, buy high

Here is a snap shot of my pals

Your Friend

Current Topic - Home test run
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS