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Nasty experience

May 26 2007 at 1:38 AM

Doing one entire floor in a large high rise office block today.

Had filled the tank twice.

On the third fill, I opened a new bottle of Tea Tree Oil.

Scrubbing away, and I thought I had a blockage, not much white, but the carpet was getting wet.

So I tried going slower.

Made no difference.

Went back to the bottle of TTO, smelt it, and it smelt like turps.

I believe it has gone off.

I came home to thoroughly flush the system.

Will let you know the result later.

Has this happened to anyone else ??



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


Re: Nasty experience

May 26 2007, 7:50 AM 

I hate it when you people that talk funny come on here and try to communicate with the rest of the world.

What the heck is "turps"?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Nasty experience

May 26 2007, 8:07 AM 

Look who's calling the kettle black.

Rick Gelinas

Tony Wheelwright

Re: Nasty experience

May 26 2007, 12:47 PM 

Same stuff as what you get when a batch of home brewed hooch goes bad -
Turpentine. Any real hillbilly would know that......


Bad Oil from another World

May 26 2007, 4:46 PM 

Follow-up to above story............

Went back and finished the job after flushing tank and lines.

Did not use the Tea Tree Oil.

No more problems with the detergent feed, when I removed my drive boards from the base of Big Yella; and pulled the lever, the juice flowed normal, just like that bloke from dow Pensylltucky way with his banjoes

Will be back tomorrow with the keys and check out the job.

Carpet looked great when finished.

I live in my own world, but that's alright 'cos everyone knows me here

Back to my question, has anyone ever had Tea Tree Oil go off ? ?



PS::: Thanks to that knowledgable person ( is it Tony ), that knew that turps is turpentine, sometimes called turpeen.

I was beginning to wonder about some of yews foreigners

I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Bad Oil from another World

May 26 2007, 10:09 PM 


To answer your question.
No I've never seen Tea Trtee oil go bad.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Bad Oil from another World

May 26 2007, 10:46 PM 

So THAT's what the original question was?

Why didn't he just ask that?

In plain English ...


Re: Nasty experience

May 26 2007, 11:10 PM 

why were you using TTO anyway?


Re: Nasty experience

May 27 2007, 12:11 AM 

It leaves a nice residual, low, odor.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


Talking funny

May 27 2007, 5:05 PM 


He reckions WE talk

Don't they know we speak the Queen's English.



Rear Admiral

May 27 2007, 5:32 PM 

There you have it mate,

& George is GREEK, yet HE knows what I said



PS::: Thanks Rick, different brand of TTO, better check them all now.

I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

Current Topic - Nasty experience
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