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Cimex for commercial tile & grout

May 27 2007 at 10:30 AM


Has anyone been using the cimex for tile & grout cleaning in a commercial setting...restaurants and bakeries?

If so do you mind sharing what's worked for you?


Dan Brown

Re: Cimex for commercial tile & grout

May 27 2007, 1:13 PM 

The 4805 brushes plus 50lbs of weight (I bought ankle weights to throw on there) make me a happy man.

I found that without the weight the bristles dont get very far down into the grout or the pits of the tile (if there are any).

Rick Thode

Re: Cimex for commercial tile & grout

May 27 2007, 4:42 PM 

I bring in a brush for the cimex that is made from a white crinkle nylon material and this combined with some weight seems to make a deadly combination for grout & tile. It seems you need the weight to push the brush down into the grout lines or it just floats across the top.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada



May 29 2007, 4:00 PM 

Does the weight add extra strain to the moter. Or another way of asking is how much weight is too much for the motor? Doe adding weight void the warranty?

David Gelinas

Re: weights

May 29 2007, 8:28 PM 

Dion, I’ve added 240 lbs to my Cimex but I don’t think you’re running the DF version. If you’re using the other model I’d start with about 40 lbs. And no that 240 lbs was on a concrete job, not T&G cleaning. Usually we add about 80 lbs when we are doing T&G with our DF machine. “Like butter”

David Gelinas

Dan Brown

Re: weights

May 30 2007, 11:11 PM 

I don't think it adds any extra strain, I'd say even with weight on, you're straining it less than you would be if using it on carpet.

Shoot, sometimes I'll even step on the mex to get some more down pressure for areas that need it. I don't think its something to worry over.

Current Topic - Cimex for commercial tile & grout
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