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Rick's Stripping Pads

May 29 2007 at 4:25 PM

Anyone ever use them, how did they work? especially on floors that were bad or a lot of build up.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick's Stripping Pads

May 29 2007, 4:50 PM 

I know I may sound biased in responding to this question. But I have to say that I have personally used these stripping pads (many times). And they are some MEAN and AGGRESSIVE pads! The Lightning strip pads are a build up removal pad that cut through floor finish quickly. They pull everything even when there's a build up. And they don't get loaded up with gunk because they have an open weave to them. They are the best strip pads I have ever worked with (and that's not an overstatement). Plus they last a long time too. The Cimex is a killer stripping machine, and with the Lightning strip pads a nasty strip job becomes a whole lot easier.

Rick Gelinas



May 29 2007, 7:23 PM 


David Gelinas


May 29 2007, 8:12 PM 

To Ron & Wayne

You better believe it on both accounts. Yes the strip pads are amazing and they do last a very long time and stay “clean”. As for stripping with a Cimex, it is out of this world. If you are familiar with high production stripping of VCT, than there is a pretty good chance you are at least familiar with the Sidewinder. Where do you think Aztec got the idea of counter rotating heads – you guessed it. Cimex, a seventy + year old machine. If you have VCT to strip try using your Cimex and Rick’s pads. Personally back in the day when I was still doing VCT I used them several times to strip Walgreen’s. That combination will amaze you.

David Gelinas
Marbleguy / formally known as the VCTGuy



May 29 2007, 9:38 PM 

Things I have learned

no matter how good your pads or machine is, with out a good quality stripper
you are going to still have problems. Not following directions on the stripper pail will lead to messes. Dwell time of your chemical is most important when it comes to stripping.

always bring more equipment and chemicals then you think you will need eventually something will break or snag your job, usually in the early AM hours, a weekend when nothing is open or far enough from the shop to be a pain the the rear.


Current Topic - Rick's Stripping Pads
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