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May 29 2007 at 7:22 PM
John Middleton  

Counting down to adding my next Cimex.

Have my RX20 (obselete because of encap as it was only used for commercial work) listed for sale and hope that one of my leads grabs it and runs.

Once it is GONE then I'll have my next ordered in a jiffy.

That'll give me one in each van. Also my next shipment of Releasit is arriving Friday... been without it for a week now and had to use locally available encap juice but it's not the same or as effective. In fact, one of my restaurants my even have to be done again with Releasit due to it not looking a nice after usine ProCaps.

You all have a good day.


P.S. Rick, is your CMS northern hemisphere and/or imperial measurement specific?

John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand


Rick Gelinas

Re: 1+1=2

May 30 2007, 9:25 PM 

Hey John,

It's good to hear that you are liking the Releasit product down south.

Yes! The marketing material will work fine down under. The files are Micrsoft Office files so they are easy to modify according to your needs. You will just need to change the measuring designation from "square feet" to "round hands" or whatever such designation you blokes in New Zealand are using.

And thanks for the positive feedback on Releasit!

Rick Gelinas


Re: 1+1=2

May 30 2007, 10:07 PM 


In NZ they measure in "sheep" LOL

Other changes that might need to be made is from "letter" sized pages to the "A4" we use here.


Current Topic - 1+1=2
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS