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Keeping with the music theme - - - “On the road again . . .”

May 29 2007 at 8:24 PM
David Gelinas  

Well I’m off again, this time to Alabama. One of the students that was in our last class has a marble flattening job that he wants me to come up and help him with. Both he and his key guy came to the class and did very well but he’s nervous he might mess something up and he doesn’t want to take a chance. You guys all know how careful those former Outback Bowl players are (Wimps). No actually he’s just very much an attention to detail kind of guy and he’s quickly making a name for himself in his market and he doesn’t want to take any chances and mess all that up.

I’ll check the board as I can, see ya all next week. Also, keep your eyes peeled, there might be another announcement coming soon. ‘Course 4 of the 15 slots are already filled and it hasn’t even been announced yet.

C’ya next week.

David Gelinas


Signs of a great teacher!

May 29 2007, 10:34 PM 

Now thats what you call a great teacher. One that doesn't point his finger and tell do it like this and do it that away. But he takes the lead in showing his students. Gets down in the trenches with them. I've never met you David but i commend you! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

My name is Alex Taylor and am always encouraged by your upbeat personality on the baord. Safe trip

Your Servant Alex


Re: Signs of a great teacher!

May 30 2007, 10:29 AM 

Ditto what you said, Alex. Dave does have some absolutely oustanding chateristics that seem to separate him from many out there. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention his Bro Rick, too. No one need wonder to long what makes both of them so successful with what they do in life!


Jay White

Re: Keeping with the music theme - - - “On the road again . . .”

May 30 2007, 5:16 PM 

Hey David,

Don't forget to bring your flip flops, thats how those guys like to git er done!!!!!

Say hi to the boys for me, have a safe trip.


Current Topic - Keeping with the music theme - - - “On the road again . . .”
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