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Carpet stains experiment

June 1 2007 at 6:46 PM


First pic shows these stains:

yellow glossy paint
grey paint
black magic marker
green marker
silver enamel spray paint

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after using a small amount of banana oil and a small brush the stains will come out.

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Silly question # 1

June 1 2007, 7:33 PM 

What's banana oil ??

I have had all sorts of problems with banana sap on cotton upholstery.

Attracts mould like you wouldn't believe.

Never heard of banana oil.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.



Silly question # 1

June 1 2007, 7:55 PM 

Well here is your silly answer. Banana oil comes from bananas. It is out there in certain cleaning products and the procedure to use it is not new. The solution takes the stains right out. I trashed this small piece of carpet the other day just to prove my secret solution works. This works on Pet odors, food stains, grass stains, nail polish, shoe polish, lipstick & grease and probably anything eles you can think of. Want to order this product? Send me an e-mail. I don't sell it.


Banana Oil

June 2 2007, 12:14 AM 

Here is what i found on this product.

Banana oil is the common name of the chemical compound properly known as amyl acetate, or C7H14O2. It is a colorless liquid ester derived from amyl alcohol, and although its scent strongly resembles that of bananas (hence the name), it is not found naturally in the fruit of the banana tree.

It's used in various products, from perfume (for its odor) to chewing gum (for its flavor) to nail polish remover (for its solvent capability). Banana oil is also used in the preparation of penicillin, and is even a popular substance to test the fit of respirators, since its strong but pleasant odor will instantly be sensed if a leak is present in the seal.

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Current Topic - Carpet stains experiment
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