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my first job with punch

June 2 2007 at 3:27 AM

Hey Gang,

i did a house today, 3year old carpets, big coffee stains, cat puke etc etc.
Steam cleaned every six months so i was told.

i used my crb with the punch prespray and it come out very well. I also dropped some compound down, very little with great resaults.
I could of hwe it but there was 20 steps right off the front door. Carpets were cut pile tan.

So over all this did way better then the normal prepsray/stain remover i have been using for the last year, with better resaults.
With the heat today close to 29 it dried by the time i was done the last room. i recommended cleint to vacuum it tomorrow again.
The real esate agent was happy to see it,she will being using my business cards.

Now i know her i'll see what commercal sale she has.

Your friend

This message has been edited by steveroscoe on Jun 2, 2007 3:28 AM


Re: my first job with punch

June 8 2007, 12:09 PM 

crb? does that stand for cimex rotary brush? If not I'm unclear was this done through encapsulation? I'm just getting into encap so don't mean to be dense.



June 9 2007, 2:38 PM 

I use a counter rotating brush system(crb) as a pre scrubber and i also use a moist compound to clean carpets as well. I'm also new to this type of carpet cleaning. I am testing the resaults of punch as a prespray for hot water exstraction as well. One agent, sevral systems.
Appear to work well.


Current Topic - my first job with punch
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