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Allied Fibers

June 2 2007 at 1:14 PM

In the CMS program, the Sales letter mentions Allied Fibers as a source of info on commercial carpet degradation. Just curious who they are and where I could find that info, I like to be on top of it in case some one on the off chance asks about it.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Allied Fibers

June 2 2007, 5:19 PM 

Here is a link that discusses some of the players in the fiber production business.
You'll find Allied listed under the heading "Industry Snapshot".

I will have to try dig up the Allied Fibers product care sheet where that data came from.
The data is a few years old. But dirt hasn't changed, so the info is still good.

Rick Gelinas


Rick Gelinas

Re: Allied Fibers

June 2 2007, 5:49 PM 

I looked through my files at home and I couldn't find it. The sheet may be at the office. I'll look when I go in on Monday.
In case I can't find the product care sheet, here's a graph with similar data that Host produced.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Allied Fibers

June 3 2007, 11:47 AM 

Awsome! Thanks again Rick. It is always good to have some back up for those more savy folks...


Rick Gelinas

Re: Allied Fibers

June 4 2007, 1:20 PM 


I regret to say, I wasn't able to find the old product care sheet where that information originally came from. I had used that data in marketing our carpet cleaning business for several years.

When we moved into our new office, a lot of our old files were tossed, and I'm thinking the Allied Product care sheet may have been included. The product care sheet was produced back in the 1980's so I don't think it can be retrieved. So at this point it looks like the quote will have stand on its own, without the actual product care sheet where the specs came from.

If you would rather not refer to Allied Fibers as the source, you could simply remove the source reference from the sentence. However in marketing, quoting the source adds a little extra weight to a statement, so you may still want to leave it in.

I'm sad to see that it looks like we've lost that product care sheet, however I have seen practically identical data produced from a few different sources through the years, such as the Host graph shown above. I think the statement in the sales letter should probably be effective, regardless of whether you choose to list the source or not. The percentage based statistics in that sentence should be enough to convey the point very well.

I wish you SUCCE$$ as you develop your commercial marketing using the CMS program!

Rick Gelinas


Re: Allied Fibers

June 5 2007, 1:45 AM 

No problem, thanks again Rick!

I am quite excited to see the results of your CMS package. It has made alot of my work easier, and has added confidence in my marketing approach!

Current Topic - Allied Fibers
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