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My Dilemma...

June 5 2007 at 7:36 PM

Joe DeSouza 

I WANT to get some good high-end commercial work to supplement my residential jobs, but I cant find the time to stop by good prospects. Either i'm running around between residential jobs and have no time OR if I find time between jobs, I don't want to walk in a nice Class A building all sweaty and stinky!

Need some advice from you guys that been thru this...





June 5 2007, 7:44 PM 

Organise your work schedule.

This may entail re-structuring a bit.

Set aside one day a week, Friday's mornings are good, to a degree.

Contact your prospects and try and arrange to do quotes etc; on a Friday morning.

This gives you the week-end to complete your quote and get it back to them for Monday morning.

Friday afternoons, forget it.

Bosses and those in management usually play golf, extended lunches, or have a slack attack down under

This is only one of many ways.

Hope it helps.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


Re: My Dilemma...

June 5 2007, 11:45 PM 

If you can't find time to get the job, how will find time to do the job? You must block out a day for sales calles.



Re: My Dilemma...

June 6 2007, 12:20 AM 

No one can do it for you...there's no magic bullet. You simply have to make the time to do it or forget about it. "those who fail to plan, plan to fail".

I'm a procrastinator by nature, however, the best thing I ever did was schedule my marketing time and stick to it.

I like Shorty's suggestion...why don't you give it a try?

David Morris

My Delemma

June 6 2007, 11:42 PM 

Great comments guys !
Yes! you should allocate a day (I use Thursdays).
or sometimes find that you have some spare time, I carry a spare shirt, small face towel, under arm deodorant (handy for summer also).



your Dilemma

June 7 2007, 1:43 PM 

i feel the same way often.

what works best for me is when my wife accompanies me. i find canvassing boring and sometimes depressing from my taking the rejection too personally...moral support goes a long way!

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - My Dilemma...
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