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June 7 2007 at 3:36 PM

Okay I ordered a cimex48 for encapsulation, and have a real challenge in a restaurant I do monthly. Looking for recommedations for prespray for encapsultion cleaning I been told Releaseit DS, my machine is coming with Encapuclean any feed back on that product? Also I see the pads work best and also see they come with the donut in the middle does anyone make a solid pad? Or am I concerned about something I don't need to be concerned about? 1 last question how many vacuum after cleaning and how many have the customers vacuum afterwards in the commercial market. Thanks!


Del Scrivner

Re: Cimex

June 7 2007, 5:24 PM 

1)  I'd pre-spray with Encap-Punch, with HOT water.

2)  Then Cimex with Encap-DS, with HOT water.

3)  The pads are whole and NOT a donut.  You are probably looking at the black pad driver, which does appear to be donut shaped (but not as tasty- or so I hear).

4)  If needed you could post bonnet with your Cimex as well too!

5)  I pre-vac, but do not post vac.  Vacuuming is a habit that the client needs to get into----OR--- pay you a regular fee to come and do.  If the carpet is not vac'd on a regular basis you are peeing in the wind my friend.

Make your own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

This message has been edited by CowboysCarpetCare on Jun 7, 2007 5:26 PM

George S. Barnes

Re: Cimex

June 7 2007, 7:02 PM 

You probably do have pads with the centers missing. I have noticed that lots of co's have gotten into selling the Cimex, and their pads are not the same as Rick's.
I personally think that the pads are not the same quality
and the excuse for the missing center is for the shower feed which will make you use more solution if you are not careful. Stick with Rick's stuff and you can't go wrong. I notice that all the competetors don't have BB sites to solve problems and give advice on the equipment that you just bought.

Homan, Fred

Re: Cimex

June 7 2007, 8:47 PM 

You might want to get the brush heads (soft) to go along with your system depending on what type of texture the carpet is.



June 7 2007, 10:03 PM 

Thanks guys I just ordered pads from excellent,ordered both Fiber Plus and Fiber Max. Hey thanks for all the feed back took me quite a while to swallow this whole encapsolation thing but evrything I've seen looks good and Cimex keeps coming up as the equipment best suited.

Rick Thode

Re: Cimex

June 7 2007, 10:14 PM 

Your gonna love it Jeff. Make sure to get some Punch from Rick G. to prespray with and mix up the Releasit DS in your tank at 6 oz. per gallon for those nasty restaurants and use the FibrePlus Max too. When you see the results, it will blow you away. You'll almost think you were painting the carpet.

The beautiful thing is that the learning curve is very short to learn how to use the system effectively.

Keep Smiling

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada


Rick G ?

June 8 2007, 12:04 PM 

I'll try the punch and DS but who is Rick G. and how do I contact him?

Rick Thode

Re: Rick G ?

June 8 2007, 3:39 PM 

Rick Gelinas aka Rick G aka owner of excellent supply

Rick Thode


Re: Rick G ?

June 8 2007, 6:06 PM 

Rick G. Aka "Encapman"


Contact Rick G

June 8 2007, 9:37 PM 

This is rick G's website and you can go to and order your releasit DS and punch

Mark Hart

Re: Contact Rick G

June 9 2007, 12:25 AM 

I guess that explains why you didn't buy your Cimex from Rick G.

Current Topic - Cimex
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS