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Commercial problem

June 7 2007 at 11:06 PM

My problem is this:::

When doing large commercial jobs, I find that I average out one (1) set of pads for every AUS$1,200.00 approximately.

This works out at about AUS$18.50 for three (3) pads.

Usage of Releasit is about AUS$51.00

SO total expenditure of consumables is AUS$69.50 to make AUS$1,200.00

Is this acceptable ??

This is also less than five (5) hours work.

I think I am working too cheap with expenditure like the above.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Jun 7, 2007 11:07 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Commercial problem

June 8 2007, 7:41 AM 

Ahhh to have such problems.

Your banker must love you

Keep up the good work!

Rick Gelinas



Re: Commercial problem

June 8 2007, 9:31 AM 

.84 = $1 Aus dollar so it looks like you are spending about $5.61 us dollars for a pad which is probably about average. Raise your prices to where your services have a value and you make money after paying for your equipment & chemicals. I get .23 sf for encapping. Always make money using this system.


Oh, Oh , Oh

June 8 2007, 6:02 PM 

I want to be like you Shorty when I grow up. Those are good numbers in anyone book.


Don't be like that Ray

June 8 2007, 7:58 PM 

I never really grew up

Just got older ;-(

Then I got smarter and got a "Big Yella", (not the missus).

What I really like is a lot of my work is in high rise where it is impossible to use a truck mount, ie; fully air conditioned, no opening windows or other access .

The only staircase is the fire escape, each door is alarmed so they cannot be left open.

I can have the office door locked and still be working 200' away with not having to worry about strangers entering the premises.

Added bonuses, no fuel expense or running of truck mount machine, no noise, no fumes, no waste water disposal problems, no lugging up and down of hoses.


I guess you could say I'm pretty happy with it all, I just wanted an idea of what some of you blokes average compared to my average.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

george mavridis

Me too

June 9 2007, 12:54 AM 

I seem to have the same problem as you Shorty.
I tend to do those figures, slightly higher use of Releasit on wool and maybe little more on the pads for polyprop(olefin). I'm not complaining though.


Current Topic - Commercial problem
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS