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everclean program ??

June 10 2007 at 8:43 AM
michael grant  

Have a sales visit tomorrow. The building is 61000 sq ft with 8000 ft of carpet. What factor would you use for an everclean program? .34 would be $1728 per month which would be way off. For cleaning the 8000 ft I am going to bid at .14sq ft.
this building is 1 year old and this is the first cleaning. I would like to wow them and get the account over and over.
comments, suggestions.



June 10 2007, 9:14 AM 

In my honest opinion 8000 sq ft is not enough for a everclean program.. I would try to do 4 cleanings a year depending on what type of business it is. If there is more foot traffic than 4 cleanings can take I would do 4 full cleanings a year and 2-4 partial cleanings a year which would be open areas not cubicles.

If you do an everclean you would be charging 2-3 cents per square foot per month. At 3 cents thats $240 per month. You would probably be cleaning only 2,000 sq ft per month.

If you do full and partial cleanings. A full cleaning would cost them $1200 per cleaning at 15 cents.

Just my 2cents worth



Everclean program

June 10 2007, 1:01 PM 

I bite what is everclean program, I'm assuming monthly maintenance?


Your right

June 10 2007, 2:45 PM 

Jeff, it is a maintenance program and part of the Releasit CMS (commercial marketing system) that Rick sells on a CD for $149 compare that to what all the Gurus sell theirs for, it is a bargain

David Edwards

Re: everclean program ??

June 10 2007, 1:11 PM 

What is the building used for? Medical offices, retail? If the building is only a year old, is there alot of construction going on around it?

Personally, I take everything into account, including how often their walk-off mats are cleaned to who does their janitorial (some companies vacuum better than others) and what type of vacuums they use and what condition they're kept in. It's probably overkill, but if I'm considering the difference between monthly, bi-monthly and quarterly then I like to have a general idea of how much vacuuming is actually done between each stage.

David Edwards
Carpets To Go
New Bern, NC

michael grant

thank you

June 10 2007, 9:17 PM 

It is a manufactuer of medical plastics. Its a very clean place. I think I am going at this for just a cleaning and call me when you want it again.
I think if I check back in a few days with them and then call them in say 3 months that might work.
thank you all for you help. I will post what happens
thanks again

Mark Hart

Re: thank you

June 10 2007, 11:42 PM 

The Everclean program is designed for class A office buildings of 80,000 s/f or larger. This facility wouldn't qualify. The earlier suggestion is a good one.

Joseph Desmond

Re: thank you

June 11 2007, 12:25 AM 

Mark is Right 80,000 SQ.FT. or larger.

Current Topic - everclean program ??
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