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My first commercial job

June 12 2007 at 7:36 PM

Hey gang, i got my first job this saterday, it a legian.
Some heavy spots but looks not to bad!!!.
Some areas around the enterance has me worried due to the clearance for the cimex. i will do the stairs with my drillbrush and tank.

1700 square feet. One time cleaning for now,if i can dazzle them perhapas a yearly small job.

For the price i started @11 per square foot and with my boy just returning from Afganastan and them being vets i discounted 10%....

One job at a time

Your Friend

Rick Thode

Re: My first commercial job

June 12 2007, 9:04 PM 

Once you get the system down, there is no going back. And once you get that area done in under an hour and figure the math out on how much you made per hour your gonna be loving life. Don't forget to put some DS in a trigger bottle, mix 1/4 DS and fill with water. That will be great for those nasty spots. Just a light mist though, don't go soaking it.

Remember to have my number handy in case you run into any problems on the job and I'll be glad to walk you through.

Keep Smiling
Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada



June 13 2007, 12:34 AM 

Well i planed to prespray with punch, is that not the best plan Rick?
50/50 in trigger bottle.


Kevin Pearson

Re: prespray

June 13 2007, 7:30 AM 


You probably do not need to prespray. Most commercial jobs do just fine without presparying. Rick was saying to use the 50/50 mixture as a spot remover if you need it on a spot.

Good luck to you,

Kevin Pearson

This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Jun 13, 2007 12:59 PM

Rick Thode

Re: prespray

June 13 2007, 9:34 AM 

Yes Steve, like Kevin said. The 50/50 solution is just for a spotter on the bad spots. If you are planning on prespray and agitate with you CRB and no powder, use the DS instead of the Punch for prespray. However, if you are going to be using the powder system or you plan on using an extractor as well, then go ahead and use the Punch.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada

Current Topic - My first commercial job
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