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Smaller Cimex

June 14 2007 at 4:46 AM

I currently use my 19" Cimex for cleaning selected residentials.

I don't find it awkward or hard to use in these conditions, although most of the places I clean are vacant and empty of all furniture, I still do others that people and their furnishings are in.

Again, I usually don't have a problem with this, unless it is a very small flat or unit (condo;??).

For those that have the smaller 15" Cimex I would like to hear your opinion of it for the above scenario.

I feel that I would like to have both machines on board just to make some jobs that bit easier on a 62 year old body



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

Mark Hart

Re: Smaller Cimex

June 14 2007, 9:14 AM 

I agree with you Shorty. From 1995 to 2005 all I had was the 15" machine and I used it on every job. What's neat about the Cimex is if you get into a tight spot, you can raise the handle upright and still run the machine.

Bob Ledlow

Smaller Cimex

June 14 2007, 3:37 PM 

We have just put the 15in. cimex in use and are very happy with it. We have 4 of the 19in. and even a big 24in. They all have their place. We use the 15in. primarily in small tight offices around desks etc. It has been a very helpful tool for us.
Bob Ledlow



Cimex Swirls

June 14 2007, 4:25 PM 

Some guys have said that the cimex might leave swirls on the carpet. Is that because they don't overlap?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex Swirls

June 14 2007, 4:31 PM 

If it's a cut pile carpet, the scrubbing pattern leaves swirl marks in the carpet. If that’s a concern, simply rake out the carpet while it’s still wet. For the vast majority of jobs though it is not a concern. After a few days of foot traffic and vacuuming it the marks disappear.

Rick Gelinas


Round and round

June 14 2007, 4:45 PM 

I hear what you people are saying.

I can see that I will be getting a "Little Yella" down the track, purely for those much tighter areas, also the 20lb weight difference will make it a bit easier on the worn out body

Also good to have a back-up for when things sometimes go wrong.

Even with the 19" "Big Yella", I have no problem standing the handle upright and working in confined spaces, such as walk-in robes, with the door shut these are usually only about 6' x 4'

With regard to the swirl marks, I have various thoughts.

Some of my customers have asked that I leave them there as they look good (?) or maybe just different to the normal (?) steam cleaning.

Others say that they can see we have cleaned the carpet.

Yet others tell us that the carpet feels better than the steam clean (?)

We do rake most every carpet, unless specifically asked not to, or the style of the carpet dictates so.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


Re: Round and round

June 14 2007, 9:05 PM 

Hey Shorty, I just picked mine up Big Yella, Just curious was the whole ecapsulation senario hard to accept, it was for me, us grey in the tooth sometimes take alittle longer for change LOL but looking forward to putting some hours on it. How long have you had yours and what do you primaraly use it on. In fact whats the strangest thing you have used it on?



June 15 2007, 1:04 AM 

***** Hey Shorty, I just picked mine up Big Yella, Just curious was the whole ecapsulation senario hard to accept, it was for me, us grey in the tooth sometimes take alittle longer for change LOL *****

Accepting the encapsulation system was easy.

I attended Connections in Las Vegas and Rick Gelinas told me I had to look an encapsulation in an entirely different way to HWE.

I took him at his word, listened to him and others in the encapsulation industry that I have respect for, and watched how they approached problems.

It was then up to me to implement the same process.

***** but looking forward to putting some hours on it. How long have you had yours and what do you primaraly use it on. *****

Mine is already two years old on 12th March just gone, flamin' hel* !!!!!

I use it on most of my Defence Force residences, depending on carpet and condition, all of my commercial work, also on a lot of rentals as the tenants are often moving in the same day.

***** In fact whats the strangest thing you have used it on? *****

Nothing really starnge, although one of the worst would have been a seedy night club/disco where there were three layers of wool carpet over the 130 years old timber floor.

Man, this stunk like you would not believe, and the chewing gum...............yuk !!!!!!!!!!! The carpet was threadbare and delaminating.

The entire place was highly perfumed, yet you could still smell the urine and stale beer and other drinks in the carpet.

The "Big Yella" with DS and Tea Tree Oil made a big difference, you nearly needed sunnies the carpet was so clean.

I do prefer the executive type offices such as accountants, lawyers, etc; and I can usually pick up the upholstery there as well.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

Current Topic - Smaller Cimex
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