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June 15 2007 at 1:27 AM

Hey Gang

I have a friend that had 3 rooms that are empty, so he asked me to clean them. So i offered to do so, BBQ and Beer! "What are friends for?"

Berber, brown multi coloured, some wear marks with normal dirt. I normally would HWE or CRB with moist compound. I could of cimex this but i didn’t. I really wanted to see the results doing it a different way.

So I pre-vacuumed, mixed 6oz ds to gal of water. I spray the entire room, I powered up my crb and started working on it. I never noticed any foam, so i stopped and added some more juice!!, presto foam(see and hear). I worked it in all directions,each room was 144 sq ft.

By the time i was done all 3 rooms. The first one was dry with a fan +(milatary chit chat), and the results i thought was good. Review my water consumption it toke 2gals of water and 12oz of DS.
DS = $3.38 used so easy math equal .01 per square foot.
I was not sure if doing this way “mist and brush” would work but here today it did!!!
Cost is best guess because i don't know the exchange rate @ time of purchase.

Now my friends has to do some plumbing for me, sure hope he like moose and beer!!

Your Friend



June 15 2007, 6:10 AM 

I keep seein CRB, not sure of meaning I thought it might be Cimex Rotary Brush but this previous thread shot that down, educate me please.



June 15 2007, 8:38 AM 

Counter Rotating Brush

If you go to the PRODUCTS up the top, then go to machines, you will see a Sprint CRB

Whittaker also make one.

There are countless European and Asian knock-offs.

Oh, also Host

It is an upright machine with two parallel brushes on the floor that counter rotate to safely clean the carpet.

At least that is my understanding of them

Hope this helps,


I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


Rick Gelinas


June 15 2007, 4:36 PM 

Want a very cool cylindrical brush machine...

Give us a call and get one at a terrific price

Rick Gelinas

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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS