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cimex or o.p

June 21 2007 at 8:47 PM

Hey all, I do alot of commercial about 80% of my biz. Im debating on either another o.p machine or a cimex. I was wondering about the cleaning capabilties of the cimex compared to o.p on both resi and commercial. I really like my o.p machine but ive herd very good things about the cimex. Thanks

Joe Gilstrap

Re: cimex or o.p

June 21 2007, 9:48 PM 

Love my Cimex have made a lot of money with it. Would not use it for residential though. By the way, what kind of op do you have?

Dave Rampage

Re: cimex or o.p

June 21 2007, 10:10 PM 


When I saw Rick we talked about the residential use of Encapsulation. I would use a CRB machine. For commercial I have to say the Cimex is real fast and does an awesome job. I would go with the Cimex.




June 22 2007, 1:29 AM 

Hey gang,

I was wondering how everyone cleans residential with their crb meaning their cleaning agents and proccess!

As i have said before i started with the compound, so i presprayed area's scrub that in, spread out my compound and scrub that in all directions.
When dry, pickup with the crb+the trays that connect to this machine. post vaccum corners etc done

i have been trying punch as a heavy spot remover, then spraying ds and then scrubbing that in and seeing how this works over my compound cleaning.

Your friend

This message has been edited by steveroscoe on Jun 22, 2007 1:36 AM


Kevin Pearson

I don't know about OP but....

June 22 2007, 6:39 AM 

The Cimex machine with the Releasit is an easy and effective way to clean large amounts of commercial carpet quickly. We cleaned a little over 10,000 sf of a church yesterday in three hours with two Cimex's. We had to move alot of stuff around and still made good time. Then last night we cleaned 2,000 sf in a MRI facility and that took us about an hour and fifteen minutes from the time we drove up to the time we left. We could have done that one faster but we like to talk too much. We also only took one Cimex.

So 12,000 sf in under 4 1/2 hours. Pretty good production.

The third job yesterday was with our Butler. Carpet and tile in a home. About a 1200 sf combined and that job took 2 1/2 hours. A lot less production per hour, but not bad for residential.

Kevin Pearson

This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Jun 22, 2007 6:43 AM


Re: cimex or o.p

June 22 2007, 8:55 AM 

Thanks all for the great info. Think i will call Rick today. Joe my o.p is a orbitec cx machine. Thanks again

Ken Jacobs - Toronto

Re: cimex or o.p

June 22 2007, 9:18 AM 

I have been told it is good to have both machines. OP & Cimex


Re: cimex or o.p

June 22 2007, 1:02 PM 

I don't have a CRB machine. I have always used my Cimex in both residential and commercial. However, on residential cut pile carpets I use Punch, not, DS and I do HWE after scrubbing with the Cimex. If it's berber, I usually treat is as commercial, except if there is a special situation that requires HWE as well.

Current Topic - cimex or o.p
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS