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June 24 2007 at 8:36 AM

The longer I do this job the more I learn about people. I can tell who I am dealing with just by speaking with them and the way they keep their homes. The number one reason to go after high priced homes. They care and the jobs are larger,easier,more money and happy with the results.

I have recently been called by people I have not meet who want thier carpets cleaned. They tell me there in pretty good shape, just need to be cleaned. When I get there the carpets are trashed, looking like they have been cleaned for the last 10 years with a bissell and all the residue left behind, I tell the homeowners I will do everything possibel to get them the results they are looking for, but the carpet will never look new. sure enough they become my P.I.T.A. customers, complaints, callbacks etc. from now on it's high end only. I'll leave the rest to Stanley.




Re: P.I.T.A.

June 24 2007, 10:18 AM 

Some days you only step in it where as others,you fall and roll in it.



June 24 2007, 6:07 PM 

Ralph, I hear your frustration. At the same time my persoanl experience is that you are still going to have those that live in "high-end" homes that don't place a lot of value in properly maintaining their floors. Along with that you'll still encounter those in the high-end homes that are unwilling to pay the fees you charge. I still target them myselves, but realize I need to prequalify as best as possible all prospects to minimize wasting my time.


This message has been edited by KenAl on Jun 24, 2007 6:12 PM



June 24 2007, 6:08 PM 

Ralph, I hear your frustration. At the same time my persoanl experience is that you are still going to have those that live in "high-end" homes that don't place a lot of value in properly maintaining their floors. Along with that you'll still encounter those in the high-end homes that are unwilling to pay the fees you charge. I still target them myselves, but realize I need to prequalify as best as possible all prospects to minimize wasting my time.


This message has been edited by KenAl on Jun 24, 2007 6:12 PM


Del Scrivner


June 24 2007, 8:05 PM 

Howard Partridge puts this well: "You may have a Mercedes in the driveway, but still have a Kia mindset for your carpet".

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Current Topic - P.I.T.A.
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