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Persistence in $ales

June 27 2007 at 3:59 PM

i often wonder if my regular calls (and more recently, emails) to prospects fringes on stalking.

for the most part, i think it works well for me because i try and act mannerly and respectful.

i got the nicest email reply today from a prospect i have been "chasing" for 2 years now. it hasn't $paid$ off yet but i re-iterated in my reply to him that i will be contacting him Jan 1st (6 months) about a maintenance schedule and the bene's of properly maintained carpet -vs- the alternative.

here's his reply:

"You get an "A" for salesmanship and persistence. You have routinely
called throughout the months asking for our business. I wish some of
(His Company)'s reps were so ambitious.

Derek, (His Comany) has been in this building for over 10 years. The President
has decided that it's time to replace rather than clean the carpets.
They are looking quite dated and worn in most areas. This seems like the
right move for us.

I thank you for keeping in contact with me and hope we can do business
sometime in the future.

so keep on them prospects fellas! always be polite, respectful and kind. and talk with a smile.

thanx --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Jun 27, 2007 4:00 PM


Del Scrivner

Re: Persistence in $ales

June 27 2007, 5:44 PM 


This can be your account easily now.  This is a perfect situation.  Here is what to do:

1)  Go see your contact in person.  Tell him that you greatly appreciate him giving you the courtesy of following up with you.  Say: "Only truly professional and courteous people do that these days.  I wish more of my clients were like you in that respect."  Give him a $5 or $10 gift card to Chili's or someplace near the office.  "To show my appreciation for your courtesy, have lunch on me one day."

2)  Ask him when he think about their "Carpet" what ONE word comes to mind.

3)  Use his response to create a conversation and sell one of your benefits.

4)  Check out the carpet and if it indeed appears that replacement can be an improvement AGREE with them and tell them that is a WISE DECISION.  Offer some pointers that they should look for in carpet fiber, installation, etc to build your rapport, knowledge and value to your prospect.

If you think it honestly does not need to be replaced tell him that you will be happy do a FREE cost analysis to see how much money they can KEEP (not save- KEEP) by having you clean versus replacing.  Depending on the size of the building even offer to do it for free if they are not satisfied with your cleaning results.  Take all the risk out of doing business with you.

5)  If they decide to replace tell them that you are then ready to help them maintain that carpets appearance for MANY, MANY years.  That regular cleaning of new carpet BEFORE it appears dirty can add money to their overall profitability as well as help reduce sick time and improve employee morale in a clean facility.

6)  Leave them with a copy of the CMS presentation (if you have it) and 2 business card magnets and 2 business cards. 

7)  Tell him: "I am persistent and I think that we could make a GREAT TEAM and that I would be valuable in helping you keep you facility clean, and healthy." 

"However, if at any time you wish for me to not contact or follow up with you anymore please just let me know, I certainly don't want to be one of those annoying, pushy salesman types.  Absent that, I am looking forward to caring for your carpets- hopefully soon". 

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Persistence in $ales

June 27 2007, 6:48 PM 

Well said.
Jamie Menard
Menard's Carpet Care

Joe Desmond

Re: Persistence in $ales

June 28 2007, 1:06 AM 

I was thinking alond those same lines but you put it together better than I would have. Great Job!
Give it a shot Derek.

Joseph Desmond
Raedan Cleaning Services Inc.


Del Scrivner

Re: Persistence in $ales

June 28 2007, 12:22 AM 

Another thing to try is also tell them that you are more then happy to be their "consultant" on all carpet matters.  You may not know or be able to do everything carpet related- like a CGD install in a large building.  However, you know enough to be able to advise them what is good and what is not, and you can figure out where to go to get the info you may need.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


I'm Impressed

June 28 2007, 2:20 AM 

I'm impressed Derek. I'm always impressed by anyone who can sell. It is skill that I'm completely lacking. I get real frustrated when I know I am offering a rate and a service that would benefit the costumers only to never hear from them or for the to go cheaper. I'm alway surprised at how cheap other cleaners are willing to go. I priced one guy and worked out the hours and he would have been better off flipping burgers. Anyway I digress.....

Cleaning is the easiest part of the job. Getting the sale is a killer.

This message has been edited by DionR on Jun 28, 2007 2:20 AM


Rick Gelinas


June 28 2007, 6:31 AM 

Derek & Del,

You guys get the BEST POST award!!! Good stuff from both of you.

Thanks for sharing those excellent ideas with everyone here

Rick Gelinas


Re: D&D

June 28 2007, 10:38 AM 

thanx Rick.

great ideas Del.

hi Dion,

i am not a good salesman. but i am persistent and you can be to. give it a try.

when there is no $ coming in and you're stressed, you learn to be real quick LOL

thanx --- Derek.


Great post

June 28 2007, 7:00 PM 

Derek & Del

I too truly enjoyed this post. Good job guys. It gives me inspiration to get out there and never give up on a customer you truly want.



Del Scrivner


June 28 2007, 9:38 PM 


Winston Churchill, most likely the greatest statesman of the 20th Century attributed his success and ability to lead Britian during WWII when their country was being leveled to the ground by the German Luftwaffe to one quality and one quality alone:


Churchill was later asked to what one thing he had to offer as advice to young adults at his former high school.  In his old age, leaning on a cane he said: "I can sum up everything you ever need to know in seven words:- 'Never give in, never ever give in.' "

So you see Derek, that is why you already have that account, even your contact told you so by telling you of your persistance- the rest is just semantics and timing my man.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Danny Strickland

Re: Persistance

July 1 2007, 8:55 PM 

if he's decided to replace, what better time to SELL him on having new looking carpet from day one forward. be different and go after his dry soil removal (proper vacuuming)and sell him an ALWAYS CLEAN contract. you'll get way more sales closes going after him for something no one else is thinking about!!!

PS send my consultant commission to the addy in my profile! lol

Current Topic - Persistence in $ales
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