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Dingy Halls / Traffic Lanes --- Question

June 28 2007 at 10:43 AM

one of our clients who since '05 has only had their halls CC'ed 3 times, had us do it a 4th time last night.

during my follow-up call today he was happy with the results, but asked if i could go over them again Friday night, if some of the "stain" (his words) of traffic lanes would lighten up more so.

this fella is my new contact at this particular office and is someone who finally wants things CC'ed on a regularly scheduled basis.

i told him i am not sure if a 2nd CC'ing would lighten things up or not, and that i'd talk with my supplier and see what he thinks. i told him i'd hate to re-clean it and have to double charge only to find it doesn't remove the slight soil staining.

so what do you think Rick and all?

will a reclean help lighten them possibly?

i figure i will post-vac them Friday night when we are there CC'ing the offices, and see if that helps.

thanx --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Jun 28, 2007 1:15 PM

Joe Desmond

Re: Dingy Halls / Traffic Lanes --- Question

June 28 2007, 11:31 AM 

Hey Derek,
How about doing a small section of the area he's concerned about and see what the results are?
If the carpet hasn't been cleaned reguarly it might be permanent from soil abrasion and fading.

Joseph Desmond
Raedan Cleaning Services Inc.


Re: Dingy Halls / Traffic Lanes --- Question

June 28 2007, 1:16 PM 

great idea Joe!

this is a great lesson for this company (and all co's) of why they need to get on a schedule.

gracias --- Derek.


Re: Dingy Halls / Traffic Lanes --- Question

June 28 2007, 1:40 PM 

that's what i did Joe, he says, "sounds like a great idea".

great forum! --- Derek.

Joe Desmond

Re: Dingy Halls / Traffic Lanes --- Question

June 28 2007, 3:35 PM 

Great Derek!!
I hope it works out for you. Let us know what happens.

Joseph Desmond
Raedan Cleaning Services Inc.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Dingy Halls / Traffic Lanes --- Question

June 28 2007, 4:45 PM 

Why do you think there was shading? Can you inspect the carpet? Has it been post vacuumed? I'm asking, because these questions can help you determine whether it is abrasion or if it is soil. A good follow up cleaning method would be to bonnet/pad clean the carpet with Encap-Punch. In the end though, it would be best to get them onto a more regular maintenance routine, and it sounds like they're going there - so that's good. Sounds like they could become a good customer once the carpet is brought back up to a maintainable condition.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Dingy Halls / Traffic Lanes --- Question

June 28 2007, 5:09 PM 

thanx Rick,

what's left of the traffic lane is very slight. of course it does not look new and the contact is looking for it to be that way...not gonna happen.

their janitors are there tonight vacuuming but as with the vast majority of janitirs, they will either skip the vac because it looks so good, or will "spot" vac it quickly. i will have to post-vac tomorrow night.

it may lighten up some, i will give it a shot.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Dingy Halls / Traffic Lanes --- Question

July 1 2007, 6:48 PM 

Whatever you do dont FLUSH out the soil. Just keep grinding the dirt in and tell the customer its a wear area. A Greenglide on a Twand will take care of all your CGD carpet.

Golden Boy

Current Topic - Dingy Halls / Traffic Lanes --- Question
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