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June 28 2007 at 7:02 PM

great forum. The cimex releasit is a powerful combo, Ive been using it here in West Australia. Mainly on wool carpets. Getting some great results.


Re: Hello

June 28 2007, 7:47 PM 

Share with us what product your using on wool for your chemical


Releasit On Wool

June 28 2007, 8:53 PM 

Releasit DS and Punch are one of the few products that are safe on wool. I have customers with wool wall to wall and they come out great with either (actually I like to mix them but that's just me).
One of my regulars used to have to go on vacation when they would use one of the franchises because it would stink so bad for so long. So thye scheduled there vacation around carpet cleaning. I do it every six months now they love the results and can stay in the home. (*obviously real high end home)



Re: Releasit On Wool

June 28 2007, 10:53 PM 

With the Cimex are you using the fiber plus pads or brushes on the wool carpet.

I used releasit punch on a wool berber once with a rotary and bonnet and that worked out really well.

John Middleton

Wool carpets

June 28 2007, 11:04 PM 

We use the cimex on most jobs.

We use it mainly for our commercial work and it's great for that. I mainly use the Fibre Plus pads but occassionally, I'll even use slightly used Fibre MAX pads. Obviously with care and start in an area where you can see if it's going ok.

If we're HWEing, then the cimex is used to apply the prespray and/or aggitate prior to flushing.

I have a set of brushes with less than 1/2 hour use on them over about 6 different jobs where we tried it and went straight back to the pads.


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand



June 29 2007, 5:56 AM 

Ive been using releasit and the cimex lately jeff. Very happy with the results.

Current Topic - Hello
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS