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BNI Groups

June 29 2007 at 9:13 PM


Does anyone belong to this group? Have they helped anyone with referrals? I came across some BNI groups this morning on the net and I guess you have to be asked to join. Looks like these people think they are high class. But if they work in a big fancy building then that's what I'm looking for. Choose a couple of companies and sent out my CMS sales letter to them. Now we will see how high class they are. The encap cleaning team is coming to an office near you! Just wondering if this group is worth getting into.


Re: BNI Groups

June 29 2007, 11:39 PM 

if you are after resi and don't mind going to a weekly meeting and "schmoozing" strangers, selling yourself to them, & referring these ppl that you just met to your clients - then i recommend it.

if you are mostly after commercial then i don't see why you'd waste your time with it.

for me to set my alarm and spend 3+ hours (including drive time), 1 morning a week, to do the above.....i could do the same and spend 3 hours a week canvassing and find way more commercial jobs.

just my thoughts on referral groups --- Derek.



June 30 2007, 2:43 AM 

I looked into this, because i've seen alot of other carpet cleaners speak highly of this program. There is no BNI program in my area, but i hear you have to bring 2 people with you every meeting or @ least have a refferal for someone in your group or you are removed. along with the $400.00 yr entry fee.

There is only one carpet cleaner or one painter etc etc in every group...

I figured i would start my own network group, find a electrcian, plumber etc etc, and have them recommend me as a cleaner and have my business name on the back of their business card and their name on my business card. 

But as said, if they do a bad job it might reflect on you!!!

Networking is the key to success, you just have to find your path!!





This message has been edited by steveroscoe on Jun 30, 2007 2:49 AM



June 30 2007, 5:49 PM 

Join BNI I have been with for about 1 year, no you don't have to bring 2 people to every meeting normal is 1 visiotr every 6 months but varies between chapters. I think its the best return on investment for marketing you help sell each others services, Plus the contacts and unlike Chamber of Commerce there is only 1 profession per group. My largest success story was a lead from a carpet retailer, 1 of several leads actually, but anyway 22 assisted living facilities, the director came into his carpet store asking for T&G person as well as having some tile replaced my friend got the service I got the T&G + Carpet cleaning to date over 40 jobs with them. Pays well and they clean quarterly. Well worth getting up every week and the leads you get create other leads etc.

David Edwards

Re: BNI Groups

June 30 2007, 11:11 PM 

If you find out where your nearest chapter is and call their contact number asking for information, chances are pretty good you'll be invited to their next meeting. I don't know if there is a limit, but I'm sure you can go to one or two meetings for free. I know the one nearest me will let you come (and encourage you to come) to as many meetings as you want for free. You just won't get any referals until you pay up.

Is it worth it? I think it is if you commit yourself to making it work for you. I went to two meetings and got an install and maintenance program for 4,000 ft2. I also got a one-time cleaning (both of these were from other visitors.) I didn't join it only because I don't own the company I work at and the owner won't foot the bill.

David Edwards
Carpets To Go
New Bern, NC



July 1 2007, 1:07 PM 

I have been a visitor and substitute for BNI several times, and they always are trying to get me to join. However, I am already part of a networking group, the Executive Association, which is much larger (over 60 classifications).

This group has provided a good amount of business for me, and they dont seem as strict as the BNI. There are other groups you can join besides BNI such as your local chamber of commerce, etc.


Re: BNI Groups

July 1 2007, 9:04 PM 

If you are in a larger city, there is probably more than one group there. Visit a few, and be selective. Some are a better fit than others. You'll get out of it what you put into it. My son Jordan is in a group for us and is doing quite well. They almost didn't let him join two years ago at 19 years of age, and he's now the VP of his group! We may join another group this year. We just did a 1,000 SF hardwood job this past week from our group, and have a couple of jobs scheduled this week as well.

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning

Current Topic - BNI Groups
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