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June 30 2007 at 5:53 PM

I received my CMS and very well done, my hats off to you.I do have a question on the power point presentation, I would really like it to just pop up when a prospect puts it in the PC rather than have all the menu's, tabs etc.. Just the power point automatically kick in as a slide show. Anyone else kick in also running XP professional and most currently are running XP or Vista so they work together well.


Rick Gelinas


July 1 2007, 8:21 PM 

I believe there is a feature in Powerpoint where you can select an auto-run feature.

I am not on my office computer right now (I'm on my MacBook) so I can't check it at the moment. But if you poke around in Powerpoint I'm pretty sure the feature you're looking for is there.

Rick Gelinas


CMS power point

July 4 2007, 9:30 PM 

Good question..
Here another on the same lines.. after adding name and other info to slides can you burn the file to CD and with the autorun just have the guy put into his computer and It will run??.. Maybe mail them out with a flier and sales letter included.

any thoughts on that concept.
carl n




July 5 2007, 8:45 PM 

Carl you can burn the presentation into a cd. I did it today. But you have to click onto (View)and play it as a show and scroll the pictures with the mouse.

Then tonight I was just playing around and thought too bad Rick couldn't have set the Presentation to music like

"Sprach Zarathustra (2001 A Space Odyssey)"


Current Topic - CMS
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