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square foot cost

July 2 2007 at 4:14 PM

I have been breaking down my cost for chemicials and i have been doing some reading on this board. I see the $0.03 squre foot has been the break down. But here is Canada the same box of releaseit is $245.00+gst+shipping, so that 0.03 clmbs to $0.06.

Penny for my Thoughts...





This message has been edited by steveroscoe on Jul 2, 2007 5:02 PM

Rick Thode

Your out by one decimal place

July 2 2007, 5:14 PM 

Hey Steve:

I think you meant to say approx. $0.006 in other words, less than a penny a square foot. 6 cents per square foot would be pretty steep.

Rick Thode
Releasit/Cimex Canada


Del Scrivner

Penny for my Thoughts...

July 2 2007, 5:33 PM 

Penny for my Thoughts...

I'd go for "My .02 Cents"- Why not double your profits????

(Sorry had too).

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care



July 2 2007, 5:36 PM 


Your correct, doesn't surprise me  8-}

 For the HWE side i use a portable and a hydromaster jetless wonder... so this jetless wand spits out allmost 3/4 gallon a minute so the cost increases with this type of wand, i know if i use a standard 12" wand it reduces the water and agent cost. I have been timing myself and i find the standard 12" want is faster, simply due to the dumping and fill times. i been very business with move outs this month and when i do 2 units in the same building i can really get good solid timeline for cleaning.

 Really they don't care on the time it itakes to dry because there empty. So the wand is something i'll get better at and keep the jetless wand to higher income homes. I'm glad i have the cimex now because Berber is #1 here and the resaults are wonderful with the cimex. 

i been thinking of gettng a op machine so i can use my crb to scrub the agent and op to remove extra dirt and dry.

This will reduce the portable time and less work for me on setup etc. Finding one that is not to costly.

I'm feeling i'm gaining ground and filling in the holes, for a while i felt this is not going to work, but over the last few months it's filling in...

many thanks to Rick...

i should send you a Toronto Maple Leafs hat...









July 2 2007, 5:44 PM 

Is that USD or CDN penny...




Del Scrivner

Re: Del

July 2 2007, 5:48 PM 

Don't matter, just double whatever you can.  Heck try for the "Doublemint Twins" if you can too- LOL.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Current Topic - square foot cost
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS