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demos gone bad

July 5 2007 at 4:09 PM

Twice in the past week. Prospects liked the cimex so much they've put it in the buy one of their own.

Hotel & Casino.

Just how often does this happen?



Re: demos gone bad

July 5 2007, 4:27 PM 

Who are they going to use until their budget and machine come in? Can you get in short term? They may decide they don't have staff that could achieve your results. You must be very good and made it look to easy. Seriously though I would approach them on maintaining the carpet until they receive their equipment. Best of Luck.


Del Scrivner

Re: demos gone bad

July 5 2007, 5:23 PM 

Here is what I'd try in the future:

1)  Sell yourself as an "Expert" in the field of carpet care, not just carpet cleaning.  That way they "need" you as well as the carpet cleaning.

2)  Don't tell them how easy it is. 

3)  Use industry words here and there, and then tell them what they mean in English.

4)  Make up and give them a 10-15 question "test" that has questions that only a trained and experienced carpet cleaner would know the answers to.  After they take it give them the answers (they most likely will not do well) and explain that is why you have training to deal with, and PREVENT any problems during cleaning.  This will help position you as an expert.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: demos gone bad

July 5 2007, 6:15 PM 

don't tell them the equipment you use. sell clean carpet and if they must know the method simply say it is a Low Moisture method which excels on CGD.

i am guessing you have been voluntarily telling all prospects the name of the equipment you use and describing the method to a "T"...if so, quit it lol.

i know from experience that most of us when we were new to Encap / Cimex felt we needed to explain everything away...i learned quick.

thanx --- Derek.


demo's gone bad

July 5 2007, 6:51 PM 

I'm guessing they were watching his DEMO that's how they knew what equipmnent
he used. I don't show them the juice and won't tell them where they can get it but i do tell them it's orginally from England


Re: demo's gone bad

July 5 2007, 7:03 PM 

true Rick.

stripping my machine of all stickers helps.

thanx --- Derek.

John Middleton

Re: demos gone bad

July 5 2007, 7:40 PM 

Very good reason to make it look difficult.

If at all possible, I almosty alway try and use more than one sinlge machine on a demo.

If asked about my tools or chems or anything, I always refer to it as MY "SYSTEM". Never refer to any item in particular. Also, I try and refrain from using the actual names of chems or equipment.

I also have an advantage in that I have to import my juice and pads as Releasit and FPPs is not avaiable in New Zealand. I therefore say that I've developed this system and it's imported as I couldn't get anything that will perform that good in New Zealand.

Something for you to consider anyway.


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand


Kevin Pearson

Re: demos gone bad

July 5 2007, 10:18 PM 

A bunch of good suggestions above. I got a laugh when Derek said he used to explain it too much. I used to do that too. I will either sale clean carpet or do the demo when no one is there to see how easy it is. We did one today at a lighting store. 9000 sf. The guy called to remove a spot. It would have left a really noticeable clean line. (leaky trash was dragged through the area) So I told him he can live with the spot until he chooses to clean the showroom or he can have one 18 inch x 50 foot long clean strip. He said forget the demo/spot removal and come do the job next week. .18 a sf with no demo. Two Cimexes and it should take about 2-3 hours. That's pretty good money and no demo.

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Re: demos gone bad

July 6 2007, 8:03 AM 

Excellent suggestions above!

Hey if they are going behind you and buying a Cimex... they haven't been buying them from me - because we haven't sold a Cimex to any non-carpet cleaners lately. And if they aren't buying a Cimex from me - then they aren't getting RELEASIT. So it's kind of like buying a car without wheels. They're getting a great machine, but they're filing it with a COMPROMISED detergent. If it makes you feel any better, they're getting LESS than you would have given them! Bear in mind, you are the carpet care professional! You have the knowledge about carpet textiles and you're in a position to correct all of their problems. In the end, the Cimex most likely won't be used as it should, and their carpets will not be receiving the level of care you would have provided. Invariably the last laugh is on them!

Take the advice above. Sell CLEAN - don't sell the cleaning system. Keep your trade secrets to yourself. And try not to let the prospect/client see how easy the system is.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jul 6, 2007 8:06 AM


demo gone bad

July 6 2007, 8:20 AM 

I did a demo last week and the first question they asked me was where can I get one of those machines? I politely told them it's not the machine thats doing the cleaning it's the product that I use. I use this product and add certain cleaners, which is different for every job. I also told them that just buying the machine and not knowing what textiles your cleaning can be disasterous. I put together a clean carpet maint package... They called me yesterday. When Can I start. Remember we are not carpet cleaners. We are salesmen



Re: demo gone bad

July 6 2007, 5:10 PM 

There are certain companies that have in house staff that are looking for a cleaning company for Textiles because everything they have tried has in the past failed. When they see us come in and make it looks so easy so fast they drool thinking I have found the answer.

That is one huge draw back for many Carpet Cleaning Co.

As stated above I do not have labels on my machines or chemicals that,are taken into a demo situation.
I only do demos to very qualified prospects after much phone conversation, with the understanding they are paying for my time, if they use us then I take the price for the demo of the cleaning.

When prospects tell me it looks so easy,with a nice cheerful and smiley face I let them know I better make it look easy since I am a pro who has taken many years to refine my cleaning systems and ability to know what you use and when to use the tools in my arsenal.

When doing a demo I will also bring in several machines including a HWE machine (Steamin Demon ) and use all of them for the dog and pony show.
This discourages most from thinking they can do it them self.

In most cases a short phone conversation negates any need for a demo and we can just get down to cleaning.


Joe DeSouza

Re: demo gone bad

July 6 2007, 7:42 PM 

This is what I did...I removed ALL of the labels on my cimex and had professional labels put on with the name of my "Cleaning System" (make one up! it your "EnviroScrub" system, or whatever...!)Get a cool looking logo to go with it and have it put on by a pro. These are throughout all of my marketing materials. I also covered the tank with a carpenters apron from Home Depot - Husky, it think is the brand name...I leave my gloves, a small bottle of releasit 50/50,etc. in it. It covered the big "Cimex" on the tank. Then grind off the little cimex names on the plate where the switch is. I then bring in DS in an unmarked bottle and just right "DS" on it.

I learned my lesson the hard way...A guy I was cleaning for picked up a jug of ds i left in the hall, and wrote down all of the info - he thought I wasnt looking!...the bummer is that he then started his OWN company and is now a competitor of mine (He's more on the janitorial side, though)...BTW, Rick, did you ever sell a Cimex to a guy named Rick in palm coast, florida? LOL!

Ive also had a facility manager, and other facility workers looking at the machine when I was out in the truck (They were wispering to each other, so I got the hint!)

No more of that...

Just my 2 cents




July 6 2007, 8:06 PM 

I think that a comercial cleaning company that ive been working through. Is going to copy what i do with the cimex. I've seen them watch me with there beedy little eyes. I needed to give them the chemical that ive been using to enter the buildings???.

John Middleton

Re: secrets

July 6 2007, 9:43 PM 

Joe, I've toyed around with that very concept of our own brand name etc and re branding all equipment and bottles to reflect that. Only problem I see is, how do you meet OSH rules regarding MSDS with an alternative named product etc?

Or is the amount carried below the min required amount for carrying a MSDS with you?

Brett, that sounds VERY suspect...

The two main machines I use are my Cimex and R35 Rotowash (CRB Machine) It only takes an extra say 10 minutes top to bring it in and use it as well but it helps eliminate that 'I can do that too, it's so easy' mentality.


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand


Kevin Pearson

Re: secrets

July 6 2007, 11:14 PM 


Good idea with the carpeneter apron to hold your chems. I may just have to borrow that from you.

Kevin Pearson


Joe DeSouza

Private Labelling

July 7 2007, 10:35 AM 

BTW, the Husky nail apron that I was referring to is Model 53235 on to the question about private labelling, I keep the releasit jugs (labelled)in the van; I simply pour it into a gallon jug with no labels and hand write "DS" on it with a sharpie...No problems with private labelling, etc., but in a sense I guess I am "Private Labelling" my cimex!

Current Topic - demos gone bad
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS