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Water marks on berber

July 14 2007 at 11:18 AM
Chuck Boggs  

Helper spilled about a pint of realisit and water mix solution from spray rig and saturated about a 10 inch square area of berber. Client called me and said a "ring" has appeared in that area. Can this be removed and if so the procedure for removing it. Thanks Chuck

Richard Brooks


July 14 2007, 6:04 PM 

If your client had spilled a glass of just plain water the same thing would have happened. It sounds like there is dry soiling down in all of those loops and under the backing, when liquid is spilled the dry soiling wicks to the surface as it dries. Very important to vacuum the heck out of looped berber to remove as much dry soil as you can, not much you can do for soil under the backing though. Wicking is a characteristic of this carpet. The good news is the spill is from an encapsulating cleaner so residue remaining is not an issue.

To fix simply use a low moisture technique (I would go with a bonnet) to re-clean the area affected and recommend to your client to vacuum after completely dry and explain the importance of a good vacuuming regimen with this carpet explaining to them how soiling gets trapped under the loops.

Richard Brooks
Hit The Spot
Exceeding Client Expectations


Re: Wicking

July 14 2007, 8:18 PM 

Good advice Richard. I too would use the bonnet and mist with H2o, Should come right up, I know it happened to me once, LOL

Richard Brooks

Re: Wicking

July 15 2007, 1:05 AM 

Thanks Ray and you made a good point that I failed to mention, "mist with H2o" no need to spray any more cleaning solution LOL.

Richard Brooks
Hit The Spot
Exceeding Client Expectations

This message has been edited by HitTheSpot on Jul 15, 2007 1:06 AM

Current Topic - Water marks on berber
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