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Clean some trashed offices in a nursing home today.

July 20 2007 at 7:10 PM

I haven't had my Cimex that long and most of the commercial I do is in pretty good shape. The Cimex always did a great job on these.

Now the real test that I've been waiting for...

Today I cleaned some trashed offices & 2 conference rooms in a nursing home (14 year old carpet). Just because it was so trashed I was tempted to use my TM and HWE. I changed my mind and used my Cimex. After all that's why I bought it!

I couldn't believe how well the carpet cleaned up! Took me about half the time my TM would've took! Pre-vacced, filled up the Cimex and went to work!

Before I was done I had an audience and passed out about 20 business cards!

Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera. Wish I had it though...would've made for some nice before and after pics for the website!

This message has been edited by ShawnDBeagle on Jul 20, 2007 7:11 PM

Phil R

Great news!

July 20 2007, 7:23 PM 

I love reading posts like this. THAT is why I decided to get involved with this business. I broke down and made my order today from Rick (Thank you Rick for taking so much time to answer my questions).

It is posts just like this one that allowed me to sell this service BEFORE I even own the equipment.

How influential!

Joe M

It works

July 20 2007, 8:16 PM 

I dont do as much carpet cleaning as I would like to do due to having a full time job. But let me tell you, Cimex and Rick's Releasit and Encap Punch are the way to go.

I did a Dr's office last March, had not been cleaned in I guess about 6 years from what the Doc said. We were both floored with the results.

The Cimex is the way to go for comm.

Joe Desmond

Re: It works

July 21 2007, 1:19 AM 

The more you use it the more it will amaze you.The Cimex/iCapsol and Releasit does wonders.
I have also used the iCapsol and Releasit on residential. Amazing results! Did a pretty ugly cut pile this past week HWE with Punch. Looked new when I finished. Great machines,Great chemicals,Great process. And Rick and the team at excellent-supply are great people.

Current Topic - Clean some trashed offices in a nursing home today.
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS