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Holy Cow! I am impressed!

July 24 2007 at 9:34 AM
Phil R 

But, I don't get off the farm much
I finally broke down and bought a vento and a case of Releaseit. Spoke with Rick Friday, man in truck showed up Monday, my carpet (light blue berber) were done by Monday afternoon.

I have cleaned them before with HWE, Rotovac. They looked good then but were dirty again (we have a small dog who when he was a pup, pee'd on a couple of spots) in a short time.

I must admit, these carpets have never looked this good. I am a newby...but I am hot on the trails of the big hitters here in my area.
Big shout out to Rick, Releaseit and OP.

Thank you all for the kind words and support.

Ken Jacobs - Toronto

Re: Holy Cow! I am impressed!

July 24 2007, 10:05 AM 



Re: Holy Cow! I am impressed!

July 24 2007, 1:17 PM 

wow! Enthusiasm is contagious Phil. Careful-there young man.

What do you like best obout it,the end result of the cleaning or the short time it took to clean?

Your Servant Alex

Phil R

All of it!

July 24 2007, 4:18 PM 

I like the results and the speed. I was involved before with carpet cleaning using a Portable, heater, and Rotovac. I had pretty good results most of the time. BUT that is a ton of equipment to haul around, in, out etc. Plus, the carpets would look good until they wicked or, at best, until they re-soiled which, in my case with the berber and pet...was pretty dran quick.

with the Vento, everything was faster and, IMHO, turned out better.

I have to wait to see how long it stays this clean. But if what I have heard turns out to be true....voila'

Current Topic - Holy Cow! I am impressed!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS