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Pet Odor Removal products

July 29 2007 at 6:20 PM

Anyone know the difference between products like O.S.R.(CTI), PeeRadicator (Vacaway) AND products you can buy at the grocery store like "Oxy-brite" and "Sun oxygen cleaner". The active ingredients are the same, SODIUM PERCARBONATE and SODIUM CARBONATE. Same directions also mix with HOT water and let dwell 30 minutes.


Del Scrivner

Re: Pet Odor Removal products

July 29 2007, 8:25 PM 

1)  Enzymes in professional products- none in store products.

2)  Professionals thoroughly extract what they put in the carpet.  Oxygen cleaners are a type of powdered bleach that if not extracted will- every time, over time cause color fading or stripping on nylon carpet (common in houses).

3)  Level of professionalism if a guy came to your house and mixed Sun Oxygen Cleaner (which I do use in my laundry- at my home, and buy at Wally World for less then $2.00) versus Oxyblaster, Boost-All or any other professional product you would kick him out and do it yourself- FOR A LOT LESS. 

Then after about 5 years the next time you had your carpets professionally hot water extracted you would be back at step 2 above- color stripped out and the home owner blames the cleaner.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Pet Odor Removal products

July 29 2007, 8:55 PM 

I am talking about the chemical contents only, not the procedure. (Of course it should be rinsed and waterclawed!)


Del Scrivner

Re: Pet Odor Removal products

July 30 2007, 6:00 PM 

I would ask on the ICS board, Cleanfax, or Mikey's- there are some very knowledgeable chemistry guys over there that could tell you more then just enzymes then.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Pet Odor Removal products

July 30 2007, 7:19 PM 

Thanks, I'll check those boards out as well.


Re: Pet Odor Removal products

July 30 2007, 11:50 PM 

no idea, but on a side note: i find BacOut at our local health food store and buy it fine on pee and / or poo.

doesn't have sod perc in it, but i mentioned it only because it is a fine store-bought product.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Pet Odor Removal products
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