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July 30 2007 at 7:27 PM

I have been reading some posts on this bbs that say how the Cimex does a great job. I primarily O.P., have a small porty HWE machine for uph., traffic lanes and spotting. How does it clean so well? How does it compare to O.P. cleaning?
Also, can you clean very soft cut pile with it without tip blooming ?

This message has been edited by noweare on Jul 30, 2007 7:30 PM


Del Scrivner

Re: Cimex

July 30 2007, 7:38 PM 

The key to the cleaning is a few things:

1)  Rick's encap juice is quality product.

2)  Use of fiber plus pads gives more surface contact then brushes.

3)  The easy of operation- just back and forth allows excellent control and production rates.

4)  The planetary action allows excellent cleaning- while giving the best protection again tip bloom you can get out of any OP/Encap style cleaning.  Can you still bloom- sure you can, you just have to be careful, not stay forever in one spot, use enough solution to lube the fiber up, not use it on carpet that is already starting to bloom, etc.

5)  The only other Encap cleaning I have done is with a CRB machine (Sprint).  The Cimex out cleans a CRB, but a CRB definitely has its places.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Cimex

July 30 2007, 11:54 PM 

i find my Cimex cleans cut pile pretty good...some commercial jobs it cleans cut pile better than others. in a resi setting i tried encap'ing with the 'Mex on a couple cut pile jobs with less than average results.

if you are an OP user then you know how to be careful against tip bloom...with my Mex i've never had to worry about TB on cut pile.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Cimex

July 31 2007, 3:07 AM 

I cimexed/releasedit a off white loop pile resident. Three rooms upstairs one downstairs + living & family room. Everry room was riddled with heavy stainsa all over the place. I was overwhelmed just with looking at the spotting i was up against with my white cloth.
So many that if you was to spot with spot with small HWE, you may as well HWE the whole floor.

1250 SQ.FT. was the total. I decided not to pre-spot. But to spray with hot punch each stain large and small,let it dwell 5 min. scrub in with mex then encapped with mex. Each room the same way.

I was baaalown a w a y!!!! I could not believe how white this carpet became. It looked brand new again. I wish i had my camera at the time to show the board.
I have to say ENCAP-PUNCH IS TRULY AN AMAZING PRODUCT. i NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE BEFORE!!! Snd cimex really scrubs down in the fibers all sides.

And get this. I checked my bag on my vac tonight, it was half full. Can you believe that a quart of soil from one home. This custy is the third to ask is my vac a special kind of vac. I asked why? "He says cause he never seen one like it". It looks high tech and very modernized. It creates an opportunity for me to educate them about importance of vacuuming. That foor turned out really nice!!!

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!


Del Scrivner


July 31 2007, 5:59 PM 


A little suggestion ALWAYS have your camera, it is part of your gear.  ALWAYS take before and after, as well as some contrast (clean one side/not clean other side) shots.

These photos are proof that you can clean well and can sell jobs when you cannot.  Even better get testimonial letters from those people too and that is HEAVYWEIGHT marketing for......FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


If it ain't broke don't fix it

July 31 2007, 7:54 PM 

Yes Del,

Great tips on the WHY'S. I don't own a camera at this time other than my camera phone. Concidering what you said, I'm sure glad its traveling on the interstate as we speak to be delivered to my front door.

The customer called me to clean the stair today because the contrast was looking too lop-sided. (Carpet vs. Stairs)

Stairs were filthy-mac-nasty as well so I used the same procedure as i did the rooms. No need to fix something thats not broke. I stayed with the same system. Amazing reults as well

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!

Current Topic - Cimex
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS