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New in the BIZ..all advice is welcome...rotovac

August 11 2007 at 4:52 PM

Hello All

Just getting started on my carpet cleaning business and want to what people think about the rotovac. I am looking to do both residential and commercial...can I do it with this machine. The reason I'm asking is because I have a really good deal in the works on a new machine. PLEASE HELP All advice is welcomed


Re: New in the BIZ..all advice is welcome...rotovac

August 11 2007, 6:10 PM 

After doing the research and checking with others who uses them i think its a good tool to have available when needed. Those guys on the ics board will offer up some good info on the rotovac. Search roto-vac then note each ones comments. If you Email them they will be more inclined to elaborate more on the subject.

I would check the ICS board, thats what i did and got results.

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!


Kevin Pearson

Re: New in the BIZ..all advice is welcome...rotovac

August 11 2007, 9:43 PM 

The rotovac is a good machine, but if you are planning on doing alot of commercial then I would get a Cimex. It cleans a lot faster and when doing large commercial areas that is important.

If you are strictly commercial then forget the rotovac.

Kevin Pearson

Joe Desmond

Re: New in the BIZ..all advice is welcome...rotovac

August 11 2007, 11:51 PM 

I agree. If your doing commercial get a Cimex.

Phil R

I own one and....

August 12 2007, 12:00 PM 

I loved the results. No doubt. BUT, it left carpet wetter than I wished ( i got the mytee portable that comes w/it)And hauling all of the stuff in/out/up/down...was very troublesome. So, I ended up dropping the Rotovac...then I quit cleaning.

Now? I wish I had started with an OP machine, encap, proper training and more patience. My used rotovac is now for sell. But, the mytee, the water heater I bought are not. I use that for the ocassional hwe.


Del Scrivner

Re: I own one and....

August 12 2007, 11:32 PM 

I love my Rotovac when I HWE.  It will clean some of the nastiest carpet you can find.

It WILL NOT work well well on CGD (Ccommercial Glue Down) carpet.  It will skip and bounce around like a bucking bull.  Almost any carpet installed over pad it will work well on.

However if you are focusing on commercial and do not have equipment yet, like the others said a Cimex is the way to go- without a doubt.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: I own one and....

August 13 2007, 12:30 AM 


E-mail Alex.

Your Servant Alex

A sign of the times!

This message has been edited by theservant on Aug 13, 2007 12:42 AM


Re: New in the BIZ..all advice is welcome...rotovac

August 13 2007, 11:38 AM 

thanks for all the advice fellow cleaners....this is really good will the cimex work good on residential, or do you really need both machines to do the ultimate job....rotovac for residential and cimex for commercial....WHAT DO YOU THINK??


Del Scrivner

The more tools the better

August 13 2007, 9:17 PM 


The more tools you have the better.  Remember sell "clean carpet" not your system.  Use anything and everything you have and/or need to get their carpet clean.

Kinda like Bruce Lee's- Jeet Kune Do (JKD).  He billed it as a "systemless" system.  JKD is really a combination of many, many different martial arts.  Bruce basically used whatever worked and discarded what didn't.

For me every single time I think I don't need something and leave it behind (or gasp....start CPR now!!!!-- sell it) I'll be damned if I don't need it.

If a plumber showed up at your house with only a crescent wrench in his hand- would you hire him?  Would you call him again if you needed a plumber down the road?

The other two active bulletin boards- ICS and Mikey's boards have in the past been very HWE (Hot Water Extraction) oriented and even put down the "padders" many times.  Over the last few months I have noticed a much larger grouping of the posters there hailing "dual method" cleaning- both HWE and OP/Encap.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Current Topic - New in the BIZ..all advice is welcome...rotovac
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS