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post cards

August 12 2007 at 8:24 AM
Phil R  

I may have mentioned before I own and operate a window washing business. To get off the ground, I put out bookoo fliers. Then, I moved into direct mail. I have 1k printed at the time (weekly), I buy stamps and download the addresses I want to use. Here comes my point; this time of year in my area of the country (Central Sunny hot Florida) window washing becomes a low priority for consumers. Everyone is getting ready for school, recovering from summer spending etc. Other parts of the country where it gets and stays cold, this is a great time of year for window cleaning. However, my return is way under .5% so the cost of direct mail out weighs the return. The does way up later on in the year, then drops again for holiday season.

I am curious, I really want to target residential carpet cleaning since i am in homes for the windows. But I also want new customers.

What are some of your opinions on direct mail (strictly post cards please) for generating new clients this time of year. In fact, I'd like to know what results some of you have period with post cards.

I need some direction here for the first generation of a post card to use. I want to focus on VLM carpet cleaning with emphasis on excellent service with corresponding results.




August 12 2007, 10:07 AM 

In my opinion sending out postcards is a waste of time & money. When I lived in Florida I tried some nice areas with postcards and never got any responses. Take those same areas and walk thru with some business cards. That has worked for me if the people come to the door or are standing outside. One guy was outside and asked me to come in and look at his cat urine rug. Mostly along one wall. Berber carpet that some other wanna-be tried to clean for him. The owner was more concerned about the urine cause the other guy couldn't clean anything with no matter what tools or chemicals you provided him with. I cleaned a spot in the middle of his carpet that the other guy said was un-cleanable. Booked that job and he was a repeat down the road.

Postcards are probably good for exisitng customers for Reminders. You are better off putting an ad in the Pennysaver than doing postcards. Don't use the thrifty nickel. I used the West-Volusia Pennysaver in Orange City.

Work on your window clients and see if you can clean their carpets and build from there. Take a small spray bottle of carpet solution with you, small brush and a white towel. Ask to test the worst area in their house. If you can impress them with that, they will probably give you the job. Use an encapsulation chemical for testing.

Phil R

Great idea!

August 12 2007, 10:30 AM 

"Work on your window clients .... Take a small spray bottle of carpet solution .... Ask to test the worst area in their house. If you can impress them with that, they will probably give you the job. Use an encapsulation chemical for testing."

Awesome idea!

Funny how forums (like this one!) really help like-minded people share ideas that worked...and that did not.
Thank you Charles



Postcards are great

August 12 2007, 10:39 AM 

I get most of my new residential business with postcards.

The key is that they are professional looking and you target the right areas. Once you send out a bunch you have to repeat the area a few times and then the phone starts ringing.

Most people who say a particular form of advertising doesn't work have never really committed to it. Like any form of advertising it is the repetitiveness of it that makes the's called exposure. You have to commit to whatever marketing you intend to do, otherwise you are wasting your money.

Make a plan...and stick to it.

Phil R

Re: Postcards

August 12 2007, 10:47 AM 

It does take effort, but it also takes the right message. Can/will you share a sample/idea of the card you used?

Ades Gros

Re: Postcards

August 12 2007, 5:36 PM 

I use post cards for thank you's , reminders, & a comment card i either leave at home or let cust fill out when done.

I also haven't had much luck with post cards for new clients

Carpet Cleaning Wilson North Carolina



Re: Postcards

August 13 2007, 9:19 PM 

Hi Phil,

I'm not a stats guy so I can't give you those. I do know that I get new customers from my postcard mailouts, because it's my only form of print advertising...I don't do yellow pages or anything else (except Chamber of Commerce directory).

I mail out between 6000 - 8000 postacrds per month and they are delivered by bulk by the post office to chosen geographical areas. I don't do mailing lists, simply just target the areas I want to work in and have the post office take care of it.

The post cards are in full color with a great picture of a clean carpet and sofa. I usually run some type of promotion and list all my services on the back. I also put my picture on the back and make special notice of the fact that I'm an owner operator and people really seem to like that.

I'm really big on asking for referals so every new customer is a potential of more. I don't mind spending money to get quality customers.

If your going to do the coupon thing, this probably won't work for you...It's about finding quality customers who want quality service.

My goal is to build up the commercial side of my business, so I will probably phase out the post cards in the next year or so.

Hope that helps a little.

Current Topic - post cards
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