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Red Pads?

August 14 2007 at 1:46 PM
Ken Jacobs - Toronto  

Anybody want to admit they tried Red or Blue fiberease pads on commercial carpet?

I tried red and they lasted about 4,000 square feet.



Re: Red Pads?

August 14 2007, 6:02 PM 

I'm nervous about red pads- the color can bleed like crazy. I would use them only in an emergency.

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning


Rick Gelinas

Be careful

August 14 2007, 6:16 PM 

As Kevin commented, red pads can sometimes bleed color. I would NOT recommend using them. And blue scrubbing pads are too aggressive for carpet fiber. The beige FiberPlus pads are safe for all types of carpet and they have a good life span. The grey FiberPlus Max pads are safe for commerial loop carpets. The Max pads don't last as long as the standard FP pads, but they clean trashed carpet faster than any other pad I know of. And they won't damage the carpet.

Rick Gelinas

Ken Jacobs


August 14 2007, 10:12 PM 

I know many many guys who have been scrubbing commercial carpet for years with 3M red pads so I was not worried about bleeding.

But yah, I wont use them again.



Re: Red

August 14 2007, 10:26 PM 

Why would you even want to?


Re: Red

August 14 2007, 10:40 PM 

ran out of the regular pads.


blue pads

August 14 2007, 11:01 PM 

When I started out I was using Red & Blue...included in the business sale. I didnt use the red more than a few times. I didnt experiance bleeding, but I used the Blue ones once on a comercial carpet and It left bad swirl marks and the carpet didnt look clean at all!

Then I found Rick's site and used every since.


Rick Gelinas

Re: blue pads

August 15 2007, 8:53 AM 

Not all brands of pads will bleed. But I've seen posts from guys on various message boards asking what they can do about red color that came from their red pads. Unfortunately the answer is always the same... "get out your checkbook".

Rick Gelinas


Re: blue pads

August 15 2007, 10:01 AM 

One could use Blue pads if they have been run on a few S&R jobs already, but I do not see the reason unless you ran out of your normal stock or pads.

Current Topic - Red Pads?
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